Vernon Williams, well said the following:
Boards like this are, literally, a "God send." A place to begin and continue the healing experience that is possible. Those that exit, all of you/us, are my heros. The ones that minister to this group...going over and over and over the same situations with patience and calm, caring resolve are the super heros. It is exhausting, emotioally draining work.
I say, amen and amen, I lurked here for seven years before I could bring myself to join in. Why? I honestly couldn't tell you. But, I do know it was cathartic once I took the first hesitant peck at the keyboard.
I still haven't fully told my story. Why? Again, I don't know. There is so much to my story and I've held it bottled up for so long, I'm a little fearful of the consequences of telling it. However, I am reassured when I read others' and see that we have so much in common.
I would like to thank the owner(s) and everyone else here who have made me laugh, cry, pull my hair, sleep better, and do all those things that bring about emotional healing. This is an incredible group!