Rub -
gun rights advocates must be really disturbed today that the guy didn't just get an easily-available gun and get the job done right.. rub a dub.
Rub -
gun rights advocates must be really disturbed today that the guy didn't just get an easily-available gun and get the job done right.. rub a dub.
It is most shocking to witness violence up close and personal.
No wonder soldiers have such a hard time coping after returning from the battlelfield.
gun rights advocates must be really disturbed today that the guy didn't just get an easily-available gun and get the job done right.. rub a dub.
WAWYM, I thought the two of you were still feuding over this topic:
My apologies and my regret that your NIL's friend was hurt.
gun rights advocates must be really disturbed today that the guy didn't just get an easily-available gun and get the job done right.. rub a dub.
Suspect is a 16-year old male sophomore student who used 2 knives to do the stabbing.
gun rights advocates must be really disturbed today that the guy didn't just get an easily-available gun and get the job done right.. rub a dub.
Seven teens and one adult were being treated at nearby Forbes Regional Hospital in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, according to Dr. Chris Kaufmann. Their injuries are "quite serious," and "some are clearly life threatening," he said.
From CNN website.
gun rights advocates must be really disturbed today that the guy didn't just get an easily-available gun and get the job done right.. rub a dub.
Oh, carryover from the shooting range thread ...
Whatever ...
gun rights advocates must be really disturbed today that the guy didn't just get an easily-available gun and get the job done right.. rub a dub.
gun rights advocates must be really disturbed today that the guy didn't just get an easily-available gun and get the job done right.. rub a dub.
Watching it right now.
hello friends..... i have posted off and on for maybe a year and half?...
just to update you guys on where i am.
writing this makes me feel better.. i was baptized when i was 9 years old along with the rest of my immediate family.
I've never felt too comfortable giving advice to others, so I'll just send you a big (((((((NLC))))))).
the ancestors used to refer to this type weather as the easter snap.. it's cold and rainy.. my teenage granddaughter is sullen and hostile.. my little jw daughter is cool and aloof.. i am so happy for this forum.. thanks, people.. sylvia.
My heater is cranking it out full blast,