North Korea.
my g'daughter and her hubby are stationed in okinawa.. i talked with her a few hours earlier today, and she stated they're preparing for the worst.. young people are remarkably resilient, aren't they?.
North Korea.
my g'daughter and her hubby are stationed in okinawa.. i talked with her a few hours earlier today, and she stated they're preparing for the worst.. young people are remarkably resilient, aren't they?.
My g'daughter and her hubby are stationed in Okinawa.
I talked with her a few hours earlier today, and she stated they're preparing for the worst.
Young people are remarkably resilient, aren't they?
how many times did you hear that gem?
it often went along with "the truth is a protection" which is their way of saying "living a moral life is good for you ... and you can't do that without us".. but think about what people are really saying.
i think the real message is "i know it's not the truth, but i chose to follow it anyway".. it seems like a pre-emptive argument because they know they can't defend it as "the truth" so instead they switch to defending it as a lifestyle.. of course any kind of lifestyle that has a decent moral ingredient to it, respect for law and order, discipline etc... probably increases people's chances of doing better in life, but they don't have a monopoly on it.. so just remember, next time you hear someone saying "even if it's not the truth" what they are really admitting is that they already know it isn't..
The Way of the Truth Is the Best Way of Living,
No Better Way Can There be Found ...
i used to dread seeing a witness coming toward me.
now i am quite comfortable and hope that they may say something to me..... does your blood pressure rise when you see a jw coming toward you?
Have to disagree with Landy about Outlaw.
As my grandkids would say, Outlaw is some aw'ight White dude!
the helper’s high.
when people help others, it makes them feel good.
we get what researchers call a “helpers high,” or a profound sense of well-being and optimism associated with helping.. and the impact goes further than just the emotional.
Smile at and compliment a teenager on something.
The other day, I told one young man how much I liked his braids - he seemed to stand up straighter.
in the 1960's and early 70's there were wt dramas on subjects of morality sent to radio stations to fulfill their required block of religious broadcasts.
the familiar voices are there in the dramas.
do you remember them?
I remember them.
I also recall those late-night PSA's on TV voiced by J. R. Brown.
i was so excited about visiting bethel.
it was a dream come true.
all my life i was told that i had to visit bethel.
Once we realize there's nothing inherently special about WT, we're on our way to freedom!
Blessings on your journey.
just read this article in the washington times.
other sites have similar stories..
can you imagine the dubs with a sworn police force with arrest powers?.
Alabama the Beautiful!
i know that this is old but going through and posting about every lawsuit that i can find in this decade with watchtower either good or bad if it has not already been posted.
this lawsuit was brought in the federal district court for the eastern district of louisana.
it involves a family whose mother had died at a district convention in 2011. the mother, patsy, was descending stairs at the convention which was held at the mitchell center in mobile, alabama when she fell and was fatally injured.
I believe it's called Theocratic Warfare.
this is a lawsuit brought by watchtower against an insurance company.
the company provided four insurance policies between 1989 and 1993. the policies were there to pay out any liability damages that would arise during that time from any damages caused by elders and mss advice.
there were a number of exceptions that were spelled out in the policy which included that of a sexual nature and that if an elder or ms violated a law then the payout would not qualify.
I hope WT loses again!
They certainly are not heeding this Bible admonition:
1 Corinthians 7:31
Deal as sparingly as possible with the things the world thrusts on you. This world as you see it is on its way out