2 years, 7 months, 10 days.
Methinks Search needs a great big
howdy guys!
so how long has it been since you have seen your jw family or friends?
or do you even care to have them in your life anymore?
2 years, 7 months, 10 days.
Methinks Search needs a great big
my g'daughter and her hubby are stationed in okinawa.. i talked with her a few hours earlier today, and she stated they're preparing for the worst.. young people are remarkably resilient, aren't they?.
Yeah, what a world.
My g'daughter and g'son-in-law are unusually mature.
He's an airman; she's working at the Post X and taking online courses toward a Psych degree.
He's 20, she's 19.
So proud of them!
my g'daughter and her hubby are stationed in okinawa.. i talked with her a few hours earlier today, and she stated they're preparing for the worst.. young people are remarkably resilient, aren't they?.
Yep - the bases on Okinawa are in direct line of fire.
do you remember the mars climate orbiter?
it was a probe launched by nasa designed to gather data on mars.
the problem is that the probe never reached mars.
Don't forget the 42 months of Revelation 11.
dear all,.
i have been a member here for some years although mostly in the background.
many of you have bravely shared your own experiences and i am very grateful for that but i have never been open about my own experience.. nevertheless, i would be very grateful to those of you who would now take the time to read about my own personal journey from the jw religion and the circumstances that caused me to abandon that way of life and how i landed up where i am.
Do not subject yourself to them.
my g'daughter and her hubby are stationed in okinawa.. i talked with her a few hours earlier today, and she stated they're preparing for the worst.. young people are remarkably resilient, aren't they?.
G'daughter - granddaughter.
the full story, as told in the uk guardian can be found at: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/apr/16/arctic-ice-cores-melt-university-alberta-canada.
and briefly it tells of an equipment failure at a storage facility for ice cores that had been extracted from the polar ice cap in various locations.. but note, that the layers of ice evident in the cores covered a period of 22,000 years.
and from the christian/jw perspective, that's impossible, for the bible story of the flood (verified by jesus and sundry other biblical writers) maintains that 4000+ years ago, the ice caps would have melted during the period when the earth was covered by the divinely caused deluge.
It's been 5 years in the making, but, what an eye opener!
the full story, as told in the uk guardian can be found at: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/apr/16/arctic-ice-cores-melt-university-alberta-canada.
and briefly it tells of an equipment failure at a storage facility for ice cores that had been extracted from the polar ice cap in various locations.. but note, that the layers of ice evident in the cores covered a period of 22,000 years.
and from the christian/jw perspective, that's impossible, for the bible story of the flood (verified by jesus and sundry other biblical writers) maintains that 4000+ years ago, the ice caps would have melted during the period when the earth was covered by the divinely caused deluge.
Information from extra-Biblical sources.
I'm making up a chart that I hope to get published.
One source is that Eve lived 54 years after the death of Adam - a total of 984 years!
my g'daughter and her hubby are stationed in okinawa.. i talked with her a few hours earlier today, and she stated they're preparing for the worst.. young people are remarkably resilient, aren't they?.
Shirl ...
the full story, as told in the uk guardian can be found at: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/apr/16/arctic-ice-cores-melt-university-alberta-canada.
and briefly it tells of an equipment failure at a storage facility for ice cores that had been extracted from the polar ice cap in various locations.. but note, that the layers of ice evident in the cores covered a period of 22,000 years.
and from the christian/jw perspective, that's impossible, for the bible story of the flood (verified by jesus and sundry other biblical writers) maintains that 4000+ years ago, the ice caps would have melted during the period when the earth was covered by the divinely caused deluge.
I have uncovered information that The Beginning was 28,337 years ago.