I'm just funnin' with you.
Yes, A and I are almost interchangeable.
GMT - good morning thread ...
good morning, all.. it is good to be here.. thanks to all for your contributions.. love and blessings.
I'm just funnin' with you.
Yes, A and I are almost interchangeable.
GMT - good morning thread ...
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
According to Merriam-Webster start is from Middle English and Middle High German.
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
Correctly pronouncing the name of Nevada can be a shibboleth/sibboleth moment for some.
Consumption (medical)
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
J F Rutherford liked that word.
A bodacious, vivacious, crustaceous young woman womed her way into his affections and proceeded to systematically diminish his affinity for kith and kin.
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
C T Russell liked that word.
good morning, all.. it is good to be here.. thanks to all for your contributions.. love and blessings.
How do?
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
Thoroughly enjoyed the reading and audio of it.
Thank you.
good morning, all.. it is good to be here.. thanks to all for your contributions.. love and blessings.
CoCo, I just noticed on page 9 you posted a link showing the difference between acronym/initialism.
Thank you!
You are the epitome of thoughtfulness; when I grow up, I want to be a simulacrum of you.
Tee hee hee.
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
A scaly, slithering reptile is the denotation for the word snake; the connotation is a crooked, conniving person.
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
Some members of my family have got the physiques, the eyes, and the coloring that denote our Asian heritage.