JoinedPosts by snowbird
You Must Push, Push, Push To Accomplish More, More, More
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #000099; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #000099; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; } .style5 {font-size: 12px} .style6 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } --> you must push, push, push to accomplish more, more, moreone of the major reasons in leaving the organization was the pressure exerted on the individual.
in the congregation.
it always seemed as if your best was never good enough and more could .
I collapsed in tears from sheer exhaustion. Had an emotional breakdown and ended up in hospital.
Same here. Drove myself to the hospital with a bp reading of 241/104.
My long story at least Part 1
by pmouse inspecifically christmas appears to be the one holiday to which all others compare.
we either joyfully or sadly recall past christmas holidays.
as i recall, they were controversial in our family even before i was born.. im going to go back a couple of generations in my story to give you a bit of background.
I love stories! Please bring on Part II.
THIS IS MY STORY (And I'm Sticking To It)
by snowbird ini joined this forum on 1may2007 with a promise that i would tell more about myself as time went on.
well, here goes.. i was born and raised in the black belt of alabama in wilcox county.
it is supposedly called the black belt due to the color of the soil, but i have a strong suspicion it is also due to the fact that there is such a heavy concentration of black people in the dozen or more counties that make up the black belt.. my parents were sharecroppers which was simply a form of whitewashed slavery.
To greendawn, dawg, esw1966, NotaNess, Otwo, skeptic1914, willyloman, Madame Q, emptywords, sweet pea, jgnat, oppgirl63, Ak - Jeff, Gopher, Mrs. Smith, Quandry, and unique1
Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my story. To answer a few of your questions: I enrolled in college but dropped out due to family and congregation pressures. I could have made the story much longer, but didn't want to tire anyone out. I do have plans to write a book. I hope it will be an interesting read.
Thanks again.
if you could...
by return visitor inmeet one person from this forum that you have only communicated with through the forum or pming who would it be and why.
i'll start off, i would like to meet purplesofa because she seems very thoughtfull, and alway tries to see the possitive and best in others..
if you could...
by return visitor inmeet one person from this forum that you have only communicated with through the forum or pming who would it be and why.
i'll start off, i would like to meet purplesofa because she seems very thoughtfull, and alway tries to see the possitive and best in others..
gopher, because for a man, he writes impossibly well.
Was the Watchtower taken off guard by the internet and XJW forums
by JH indo you think that the internet and xjw forums caught the watchtower off guard?
just a few years ago, disfellowshipped ones were powerless and rendered silent by the watchtower.. to what degree do you think the internet has made life difficult for the watchtower?.
fedorE, you asked,
do u recall the site ur refering to?
No, my braindead self can't recall the site. Just google in New World Translation and you will find a plethora of sites. If you keep reading, you will surely find the one I'm talking about.
I will try to locate it, also.
Was the Watchtower taken off guard by the internet and XJW forums
by JH indo you think that the internet and xjw forums caught the watchtower off guard?
just a few years ago, disfellowshipped ones were powerless and rendered silent by the watchtower.. to what degree do you think the internet has made life difficult for the watchtower?.
Yes, I believe they were caught off guard.
Thanks to the internet, everything about the WTS, doctrinal or otherwise, can come under the scrutiny of anyone who has a need for it.
Take, for instance, the NWT. There is a site where one person - not an x- JW by the way - began at Genesis and noted every revision or textual corruption and the rationale behind such. The evidence is so compelling as to be beyond any denial that the NWT is a seriously flawed "translation."
I wonder why God's "mouthpiece," his "channel," his "prophet" didn't see this coming?
Underground Lurker....Coming up for air.....
by Bourne ini have been a lurker for the last year...finally got the courage to post.
i guess you could say that i have successfully completed a "fade", although that was not my initial intent.
due to my being in an "unscriptural" separation for a number of months, (that, combined with my paranoia, hence, the alias) i have been forced to go underground.
Welcome to the forum, Bourne.
I think you'll like it here. Why, I made senior member today!
another 607 thread
by BlackSwan of Memphis inaren't you excited?.
i was looking through the net for some more info on ptolemy and astronomical records etc etc.
and found this site:.
I believe he used to post here some time ago. Perhaps one of the old-timers can help you out. Also, his story is "out there." I can't for the life of me remember where.