They are not a forward looking organization. That requires creative and critical thinking skills. Those are discouraged, and any members who have them are certainly never going to be put into responsible positions.
The WTS is a reactionary religion today, exisiting solely to keep itself existing, to keep the publishing empire going, even if in diminished form.
The Internet completely blindsided the WTS, and scares them to death. The main reason is that, in a totally open exchange of ideas, the WTS just gets the shit beaten out of it everytime. Thus their way of dealing with the Net is to vilify and demonize it, warning the rank and file to avoid it. Scare tactics! This works with the sheep, but the thinking members see through it eventually, check things out online, and leave the WTS and end up here on JWD!
On a discussion board like this, it doesn't matter if you're an elder or a CO or a Bethelite. Threatening someone here with being DFed or publicly reproved is meaningless. Appealing to your authority as an elder or an anointed one doesn't work here. Here it's put up or shut up. On these boards, if you make a statement, you better goddamn be able to back it up with facts, reason, logic and evidence, and it better be a hell of a lot more than a quote from a Watchtower magazine or someone on the Governing Body! We'll shred you in a second if you're thinking is sloppy, or if you don't know what you're talking about, or if you're "facts" are unsupportable or outright fabrications.
THAT'S why the WTS is scared of XJW forums - they can't begin to hold their own in the free and open debate of ideas. The WTS house of cards falls flat everytime. Their theology is indefensible when it's tossed into the ring of open and public debate.
Yeah! Three cheers for the Internet!!!