I will ponder the parameter of our discussion as I walk the perimeter of our neighborhood. I will also resist the urge to purloin some of my neighbor's tempting okra.
flaunt flounce flout
this here is very educational.. http://www.funtrivia.com/tournament/jwd-trivia-quiz-75350.html.
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
I will ponder the parameter of our discussion as I walk the perimeter of our neighborhood. I will also resist the urge to purloin some of my neighbor's tempting okra.
flaunt flounce flout
trying to make rcs less of a snorefest.
not exactly award winning either, but worth a laugh.
kate xx.
It is mechanical.
Come to think of it, everything about the JW's is forced and rote - no spontaneity whatsoever.
That is one of the reasons I, and so many others, left.
trying to make rcs less of a snorefest.
not exactly award winning either, but worth a laugh.
kate xx.
Well, slap my face and call me Grace!
this here is very educational.. http://www.funtrivia.com/tournament/jwd-trivia-quiz-75350.html.
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
I ran outside to retrieve my slipper, the rose bush snagged my zipper, I searched the night sky for the Big Dipper.
The austere conditions of her childhood drove her to pursue a materialistic lifestyle; she subsequently tried to assuage her guilt over this by acts of altruism.
parameter perimeter purloin
black don't crack - asian don't raisin.. meaning?.
black and asian people usually have firm facial skin..
Honest, SW.
My first time hearing it.
I've noticed those wrinkles around sweet Caroline's eyes.
I have a niece who was born in November of '57, also.
Not even a fine line, let alone a wrinkle, graces her face.
black don't crack - asian don't raisin.. meaning?.
black and asian people usually have firm facial skin..
Good ones, GT and ADCMS.
black don't crack - asian don't raisin.. meaning?.
black and asian people usually have firm facial skin..
People with nice personalities have a vanilla scent.
One of my favorite sisters has always smelled cake-y.
black don't crack - asian don't raisin.. meaning?.
black and asian people usually have firm facial skin..
Down here, it's an insulting term.
black don't crack - asian don't raisin.. meaning?.
black and asian people usually have firm facial skin..
I would NEVER!
black don't crack - asian don't raisin.. meaning?.
black and asian people usually have firm facial skin..
New things learned ...