Bernadette is MEAN!
JoinedPosts by snowbird
Favorite Big Bang Character?
by snowbird in#1 rajesh koothrappali.
#2 amy farrah fowler.
rajesh because he's got sheldon's number.. amy because she reminds me so much of me.. when i was in school, i was never part of the "in" crowd.. i was viewed as weird and nerdish.. lol..
Favorite Big Bang Character?
by snowbird in#1 rajesh koothrappali.
#2 amy farrah fowler.
rajesh because he's got sheldon's number.. amy because she reminds me so much of me.. when i was in school, i was never part of the "in" crowd.. i was viewed as weird and nerdish.. lol..
Loves me some Sheldon, also, but he gets on my nerves at times.
Those two I mentioned above do not.
Favorite Big Bang Character?
by snowbird in#1 rajesh koothrappali.
#2 amy farrah fowler.
rajesh because he's got sheldon's number.. amy because she reminds me so much of me.. when i was in school, i was never part of the "in" crowd.. i was viewed as weird and nerdish.. lol..
#1 Rajesh Koothrappali
#2 Amy Farrah Fowler
Rajesh because he's got Sheldon's number.
Amy because she reminds me so much of me.
When I was in school, I was never part of the "in" crowd.
I was viewed as weird and nerdish.
What did Jesus really mean, when he said he had made his Father's name known?
by Faithful Witness ini am preparing for my meeting this friday with miss k. we are reviewing the bible teach book, and she is looking forward to "showing me some things about the divine name.
" i don't know what she might pull out of her hat this time... but that section of the teach book is so completely assanine, i don't even know what to say.
) what did jesus mean when he said that to his father?.
Jesus revealed the character of the Father, that the Father is love.
In Jewish thought, a name was more than an appellation, it also identified the nature of a person.
Tell her that Jesus was referring to His 12 apostles (yes, even Judas!) when He said, "I have made your name known to them."
These Jewish males, all versed in the Torah, would have known about YHWH, so that couldn't have been what Jesus had in mind.
Insist on reading the entire 17th chapter of John, so that nothing can be taken out of context.
Being a JW Used to Be Fun :-)
by snowbird inwe found some people who were happy to welcome us into their homes, even offering us food and drink.. sometimes, they would flag us down and ask for the magazines, walk miles to the kh meetings, come to our defense if someone got ugly or rude.. now, jw's are either routinely ignored or outright vilified.. no one respects them anymore.. sad.. .
During those times, I was blissfully unaware that such ugly goings-on were part of the JW's.
I was really and truly finding joy in what I perceived to be serving the Most High God
Now, I know.
Where do we go when we die?
by bsand20 inmy best friend of 14 years and maid of honor passed away 2 months ago at age 32 after battling breast cancer for 6 years.
i haven't been the same since for many reasons.. as a jw kid i believed 144,000 chosen went to heaven, the good people would be resurrected including those who didn't have a chance to hear about jehovah, and the rest, which were of other religions and bad people, died and would cease to exist.
again, because i was a kid when i left, i never really understood the jw position on death and why they came to their conclusion.
Amen to what AK said.
Enjoy life, follow your passions!
This is a BIG universe, and I firmly believe that each of us has a place in it.
Just this morning I was reading about Kepler 186f, a planet that almost mirrors ours.
Also, scientists have figured out that a vast ocean once covered most of Mars.
Fascinating stuff!
Live, dear one, and let live.
It'll all be sorted out in the end.
Come On And PLAY!!!
by snowbird inthis here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Goodness! Where are my much-vaunted Southern manners?
Danny prudently pulled on long oven gloves to deal with the spatter as he moodily contemplated how snootily his neighbors eschewed any and all grease.
lard suet tallow
Where do we go when we die?
by bsand20 inmy best friend of 14 years and maid of honor passed away 2 months ago at age 32 after battling breast cancer for 6 years.
i haven't been the same since for many reasons.. as a jw kid i believed 144,000 chosen went to heaven, the good people would be resurrected including those who didn't have a chance to hear about jehovah, and the rest, which were of other religions and bad people, died and would cease to exist.
again, because i was a kid when i left, i never really understood the jw position on death and why they came to their conclusion.
Now, now Rub.
Give her a hug.
That is good.
Where do we go when we die?
by bsand20 inmy best friend of 14 years and maid of honor passed away 2 months ago at age 32 after battling breast cancer for 6 years.
i haven't been the same since for many reasons.. as a jw kid i believed 144,000 chosen went to heaven, the good people would be resurrected including those who didn't have a chance to hear about jehovah, and the rest, which were of other religions and bad people, died and would cease to exist.
again, because i was a kid when i left, i never really understood the jw position on death and why they came to their conclusion.
LOL @ Random.
You left out ovum.
I believe our bodies return to the dust, but our spirit (what we were as a person, our essence) returns to God.
I believe in the two resurrections the Bible mentions, but have no idea what process God will use to accomplish this.
I'm so sorry about the death of your friend.
Keep searching, but beware of those who claim to have ALL the answers.
This religion is like fairy floss / cotton candy!
by stuckinarut2 in.
just a random thought......... i just realised that the religion we know as jw is like fairy floss or cotton candy!.
appears to be sweet to newcomers, looks light and fluffy and colourful, but it is bad for your health!.
Like the Scribes and Pharisees of old:
Matthew 23 (Complete Jewish Bible)
23 Then Yeshua addressed the crowds and his talmidim: 2 “The Torah-teachers and the P’rushim,” he said, “sit in the seat of Moshe. 3 So whatever they tell you, take care to do it. But don’t do what they do, because they talk but don’t act! 4 They tie heavy loads onto people’s shoulders but won’t lift a finger to help carry them. 5 Everything they do is done to be seen by others; for they make their t’fillin broad and their tzitziyot long, 6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues, 7 and they love being greeted deferentially in the marketplaces and being called ‘Rabbi.’8 “But you are not to let yourselves be called ‘Rabbi’; because you have one Rabbi, and you are all each other’s brothers. 9 And do not call anyone on earth ‘Father.’ because you have one Father, and he is in heaven. 10 Nor are you to let yourselves be called ‘leaders,’ because you have one Leader, and he is the Messiah! 11 The greatest among you must be your servant, 12 for whoever promotes himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be promoted.
13 “But woe to you hypocritical Torah-teachers and P’rushim! For you are shutting the Kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces, neither entering yourselves nor allowing those who wish to enter to do so. 14 [a]
15 “Woe to you hypocritical Torah-teachers and P’rushim! You go about over land and sea to make one proselyte; and when you succeed, you make him twice as fit for Gei-Hinnom as you are!
16 “Woe to you, you blind guides! You say, ‘If someone swears by the Temple, he is not bound by his oath; but if he swears by the gold in the Temple, he is bound.’ 17 You blind fools! Which is more important? the gold? or the Temple which makes the gold holy? 18 And you say, ‘If someone swears by the altar, he is not bound by his oath; but if he swears by the offering on the altar, he is bound.’ 19 Blind men! Which is more important? the sacrifice? or the altar which makes the sacrifice holy? 20 So someone who swears by the altar swears by it and everything on it. 21 And someone who swears by the Temple swears by it and the One who lives in it. 22 And someone who swears by heaven swears by God’s throne and the One who sits on it.
23 “Woe to you hypocritical Torah-teachers and P’rushim! You pay your tithes of mint, dill and cumin; but you have neglected the weightier matters of the Torah — justice, mercy, trust. These are the things you should have attended to — without neglecting the others! 24 Blind guides! — straining out a gnat, meanwhile swallowing a camel!
25 “Woe to you hypocritical Torah-teachers and P’rushim! You clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside they are full of robbery and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Parush! First clean the inside of the cup, so that the outside may be clean too.
27 “Woe to you hypocritical Torah-teachers and P’rushim! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look fine on the outside but inside are full of dead people’s bones and all kinds of rottenness. 28 Likewise, you appear to people from the outside to be good and honest, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and far from Torah.