And, the courts almost always agree with them.
I've been to that center lots of times; it is a sports arena, not suitable for elderly persons at all.
i know that this is old but going through and posting about every lawsuit that i can find in this decade with watchtower either good or bad if it has not already been posted.
this lawsuit was brought in the federal district court for the eastern district of louisana.
it involves a family whose mother had died at a district convention in 2011. the mother, patsy, was descending stairs at the convention which was held at the mitchell center in mobile, alabama when she fell and was fatally injured.
And, the courts almost always agree with them.
I've been to that center lots of times; it is a sports arena, not suitable for elderly persons at all.
__________________i was kidnapped today ____________.
a rainy day in ft. worth is bad news day for terry.
my elective transportation is 100% bicycle and i can get through just about all weather except rain.
Relax, Brother Flip.
Terry is a writer - a good one.
See, Terry?
LOL again.
__________________i was kidnapped today ____________.
a rainy day in ft. worth is bad news day for terry.
my elective transportation is 100% bicycle and i can get through just about all weather except rain.
Wow, Terry!
I can see you and her in my mind.
Were you two on I-20?
Dorothy must be 90-ish; still driving? A pickup?
I like the oblique reference to RLS.
2 miles from where i live.
my heart goes out to the parents of the murdered child.
what a sick bastard.
Sick bastard is too kind a description for the likes of him.
And, a supposed pastor!
The report is that she was a talented, compassionate, productive teacher.
What a loss.
wt has made a number of references to this alleged quote by j. paul getty:.
“money doesn’t necessarily have any connection with happiness.
nothing in my wt life brought more stress and anxiety than not having enough money.. this quote makes far more sense:.
Ecclesiastes 7 The Message Bible
i'm at the stage where i'd love a big scandal to come along showing clearly that the j.w's are not the true religion, but sometimes i get touched inside by various thoughts or events, the russian court trial being one of them.. i mean, j.w's are understandably fixated with attending the memorial, so why didn't the court say it will resume on monday or tuesday, instead setting wednesday 12 april as the date?
part of me believes the comments from pro-j.w's that jehovah moved events so they could attend the memorial.. it seems the j.w's will not be banned, which makes my mind and heart wrestle between thinking jah's behind it, or maybe the ministry of justice is just woefully prepared compared to the superb australian royal commission team who did their homework.
it surprises me the russians seemingly haven't done any homework..
surely these men must see what's going on.
if they can afford fancy pinky rings, they must have smart phones.
if they have smart phones, they must be inquisitive as to how they are perceived.
If they can afford fancy pinky rings ...
Now, now.
One of them has a browny ring, if one at all.
been thinking about this lately after almost 14 years out of the jw cult myself.
when you think of the language used within the jehovah's witness organization in such a closed society environment in how the wt society promotes almost absolute " trust " in the elders , the governing body, and trust even in the " friends " in the congregation themselves- is it any wonder that unscrupulous child molesters can enter any congregation pretending to be " spiritual " and take advantage of unsuspecting children or the parents ?
think about it : an individual is judged as a " spiritual " person within the jw organization based on what wt functions or duties they are good at performing.
Flipper, good thread, Brother.
You are right; WT fosters an environment where scammers and abusers can roam freely.
Down here, we have a reputation for being trusting and hospitable, and city slickers sometimes try to take advantage of this.
One came down from Detroit, and a pushy sister tried her best to get my little JW daughter interested in him.
This sorry you-know-what didn't even have a job; I told her if she didn't get him off my property, I would notify my daughter's crazy Jamaican dad.
Yay, mon.
That was all it took to send both of them running like a scalded dog!
The nerve of them! I'm getting steamed all over again just thinking about it.
my day's long and arduous journey winds down.. infinite night gracefully descends and takes me into her.
welcomed embrace.. i have no reason to fear the inevitable,.
that transition into a higher and.
Bad, Outlaw!
my day's long and arduous journey winds down.. infinite night gracefully descends and takes me into her.
welcomed embrace.. i have no reason to fear the inevitable,.
that transition into a higher and.
I will not watch it.
Too awesome!