Hey, Rebel.
Hey, Magnum.
I'm doing research simply for myself in an attempt to find answers to bothersome questions about the Scriptures.
I consider myself a Christian, and believe the Bible to be God's message to us.
One thing that bothered me a lot was the list of Shem's son's.
The Bible plainly says Arpachschad was Shem's first born, yet he is listed third in the history of Shem.
I found the answer in the Book of Jubilees.
Also, why did it take Adam and Eve so long to produce a son after Abel's death and Cain's banishment?
Ditto ...
What really happened between Noah and Ham?
Book of Jasher.
Moses married a Cushite (Black) woman?
Ditto ...
So much to explore; I'm having a grand time.
Thanks for asking.