Very interesting. One possible scenario: The girl had a conversation with them at a display stand. Gave them their address, but didn't tell her parents about it. Now to save face, she lies about it. This would explain why the brother didn't want to tell the parents. JWs don't mind preaching in the parent's back if they can save a soul.
JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
Video-Man in Field Service asks to speak to a woman's 15-year old Daughter
by TakeOffTheCrown inhas anyone seen this video of a man out in field service asking a woman if he can speak to her 15 year old daughter by name?
it is rather disturbing..
the link takes you directly to the news station.
Request For:--2006 Deliverance At Hand Resolution!
by Atlantis inhi bill:.
you wanted evidence concerning the "resolution" that was mentioned at the convention back in 2006.. ok, here you go:.
2006 "deliverance at hand" district convention resolution.. this "resolution" upgraded the words: "the world", to:human society that is alienated from must be no part of the no part of human society alienated from god.a typed copy of this resolution is found here: note no.7 of the resolution.7.
I remember hearing that " association with outsiders through Internet chat rooms." part and not saying Aye because of it. Wierd, it still took me 7 more years to leave!
Watchtower appeals the lawsuit in Quebec (Canada)
by yalbmert99 inwatchtower appeals the lawsuit in quebec (canada) french:.
I believe that the bottom line would be: Did the elders know about it? If yes, then why didn't they report it to the authorities? This is actually a law in quebec. The only exception to that law, are the lawyers, no one else.
Is this really what happens?
by Theonlyoneleft inhello guys,.
long time no see.
the other day i went out with my sister.
I remember one day, at our camping grounds, I was talking to a "brother" who didn't know I was fadding out and thus, recently inactive. He introduced me to his 30ish year old son and said: "He isn't a witness though." - in a real shameful voice. I felt sad for the son. I could tell that his dad made him feel unworthy due to his religious beliefs.
I deliberately said: "Doesn't have to be!" with a huge smile and started to talk with the son. I could tell the father was surprised by this. He probably put two and two together later when he inquired about me back at his hall.
3-File Requests: Destroy Notes BOE--Publications For Discard--Where Are The Nine!
by Atlantis in2019-08-28 destroy notes..
2012--2018 publications approved for discard.
I find it interesting that the letter does not mention if criminal behavior was covered in the judicial committee (Pedophilia, rape, fraud, physical abuse, murder, etc). As soon as someone takes notes about a crime, it becomes evidence and so, it is unlawful to destroy them. Same goes with introduction letters: if they make any allusion to crimes committed, they cannot be destroyed. And yet, they deliberately ignored this matter in the letter. This is not a small omission, especially in Australia, where they have been under heavy fire for their mishandling of pedophile cases. They are obviously trying to get their elders to destroy evidence without actually spelling it out as they know these letters are constantly getting leaked.
Two Bible Beliefs of Jehovah`s Witnesses ,Do They Align with each other ?
by smiddy3 in1.the first is 2 cor.4:4 that satan is "the god of this system of things" to blind the minds of the unbelievers etc.. so logically this "system of things" would mean the governments ,politicians, armed forces and law enforcement agency`s such as the police would it not?
so satan is in control of all of these under the banner of being the god of this system of things.?.
2. rom.13: 1-7 " let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities for their is no authority except by god".
From what I can see here, the problem lies in that the JWs believe in a book that contradict itself. That's why there are so many flavors of christiens, some choose one verse and twist the meening of the other verses that contradict.
What to do when you're PIMO and dont want to date a jw?
by nowawake14 inwhat are your thoughts on that?.
Well, nothing prevents you from dating someone who is not a JW. Sure, you won't have previledges and JW will not approve, you will also likely loose some friends and they might even do a marking talk about it. But you will not be disfellowshipped.
Considering that you are a PIMO, you will obviously not confess to anything, so, the only thing that can get you in trouble is if they catch you spending the night together somewhere.
If you want to move in together, nothing prevents you from lying and telling them that you actually got married.
If you're gay, its even easier: Its just a friend and you can move in together and say he/she is only a roomate.
its not that complicated if you are willing to lie.
Money! How much did you "Contribute" To The WTB@TS When You Were A Member
by The Bethelite ini was in full time service for six years including bethel.
once i got out of bethel, i figured i had already given them six of the best years of my life (ages 18-24) working as a slave/drone in their factory, so i rationalized that i had given them enough... so over the next 27 years i would say maybe $200 bucks is it.
i think their whole "voluntary contributions" idea is biting them in the ass, because over all jehovah's witnesses are a cheap group people with a few exceptions.
I started giving financially when I started working. Hence, within 17 years span:
~ 4,080$ to the congregations I attended.
~ 600$ to the World Wide Work
~ 1,000$ for the conventions.
If I try to ball park my volonteer time since baptized at age 13 (span of 22 years):
~ 4,000 hours of field service
~ 400 hours of vonlonteer work (Security, maintenance work, construction work)
~ 1,300 hours congregation activities (managing territories, magazines, small app to manage time, etc) *outside meeting hours.
~ 5,000 hours in meeting attendance
Who else provides all this spiritual food?
by StephaneLaliberte intwo days ago, i experienced a spiritual epiphany while visiting the library of a catholic university: i was shocked to find thousands of religious literatures produced by the catholics and protestants in the last few hundred years.
someone could easily spend a secluded lifetime trying to read them all.
for years, i was told by my religious leaders (jws) that the catholics and other religions did not provide spiritual food to their members.
Alex Williams: The scriptures are clear the preachers provide food but its JUNK food from teaching of Demons:
The argument to which I was referring to was the QUANTITY of the food, not the quality.
Much of your response focuses on the quality of the food and the history of the church. While this would be enough for another thread of its own, I wanted to focus on the fact that I was told that the people did not have access to any spiritual food, which, clearly, is not the case today.
You may also ponder on the fact that while JWs consider the teachings of other religions as “junk” and “teachings of demons”, this is also how other religions feel concerning the teachings of JWs; especially when it comes to the practice of shunning and refusal of life saving blood transfusions.
Who else provides all this spiritual food?
by StephaneLaliberte intwo days ago, i experienced a spiritual epiphany while visiting the library of a catholic university: i was shocked to find thousands of religious literatures produced by the catholics and protestants in the last few hundred years.
someone could easily spend a secluded lifetime trying to read them all.
for years, i was told by my religious leaders (jws) that the catholics and other religions did not provide spiritual food to their members.
Two days ago, I experienced a spiritual epiphany while visiting the library of a catholic university: I was shocked to find thousands of religious literatures produced by the Catholics and Protestants in the last few hundred years. Someone could easily spend a secluded lifetime trying to read them all.
For years, I was told by my religious leaders (JWs) that the Catholics and other religions did not provide spiritual food to their members. In contrast, the JWs had produced thousands of articles and about a hundred books! The size of the JWs library available to the public has always been an argument used by the JWs as proving that they were chosen by God to feed the Christian community.
Well, now I realized that this argument is false. The Catholics easily out do the JWs library by thousands of books!! And yes, such libraries are open to the public! And while this might not have always been the case, it is safe to assume such information was available by the time the JWs started their own activity.
It is certainly a strange feeling realizing that I grew up in a religion that hid this from me. Had I known this type of thing existed where Christianity is studied through so many different angles, I could have gone into religious studies. I even remember this being the first option presented by my guidance counsellor when I was a kid. Obviously, as a JW, this was not an option. And now, or should I say, two days ago, I finally fully understand what I have missed; I’m 40. What a waist.