In canada, if you have contractors and yet, treat them as employees, they are considered employees and have the same legal obligations then if they were in fact employees. It is not what you say that matters, it is how you act. Hence, even if they say that people are individuals and not members, they are in fact members. They gather together, have membership in smaller groups (service and bible groups). If they do something wrong, they can be disfellowshipped. They congregation and bethels hold records about them. They are financially sustained by them. All the actions are those of members of a religious organization. Taking away the name changes doesn't change that. BUT, it will likely contribute to lengthening a few court processes.
JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
JW's Not Members anymore but Individuals
by pistolpete ini've been waiting for someone to post this and i've haven't seen it yet, perhaps i overlooked it since i don't visit that often.. but here is the link to the discussion.
in it you will find letters and links to this new light.
whether it's true or not, please verify.. as of .
When I was younger, I cleaned offices and sometimes windows. I remember that people working in those offices were looking at me with pitty, thinking I had a shitty job. While they were averaging 15$/hr at the time, I was making 30$ and was my own boss.
Now i'm in another profession and industry. But point is that if you do things right, you can do a whole lot of monney in cleaning, even more than many professionals will do with their own career.
Why Jehovah`s Witnesses are wrong emphasising the name Jehovah.
by smiddy3 inhi friends, feel free to correct me where i`m wrong with this post.after all it`s just my observation of jw`s and the bible.. in the beginning of gods dealings with adam it was on a personal level , god to man so to speak.. god then dealt with humans via the patriarchs , then with the levi priesthood ,then judges ,( and a woman was a judge ) then kings ,somewhere in between all of this prophets played a major part ,and then came jesus christ the messiah.. and to my knowledge god has not validated a successor to him with any evidence i`ve seen .. jehovah`s witnesses claim to be christians but have with no new testament backing usurped jesus with jehovah.. this period of time ,until god says otherwise ,christians are to give honour and glory to none other than jesus christ .. that is the name that is above any other name until god says otherwise.
phil.2:9-11. not the name jehovah .the bible never says anything about a kingdom of jehovah ,the coming kingdom is the kingdom of jesus christ with his associate 144,000 earthly subjects.. this is just my understanding of what the bible actually says .. whether i believe it or not is another matter..
Johnamos: Adonai + YHWH became Yehowah. And Yehowah became Jehovah. I still call it a nick name. They still don't know what the original pronunciation was. Because this is less than exact science, it seems very loathsome that they then judge other religions that don't use that particular pronunciation.
Why Jehovah`s Witnesses are wrong emphasising the name Jehovah.
by smiddy3 inhi friends, feel free to correct me where i`m wrong with this post.after all it`s just my observation of jw`s and the bible.. in the beginning of gods dealings with adam it was on a personal level , god to man so to speak.. god then dealt with humans via the patriarchs , then with the levi priesthood ,then judges ,( and a woman was a judge ) then kings ,somewhere in between all of this prophets played a major part ,and then came jesus christ the messiah.. and to my knowledge god has not validated a successor to him with any evidence i`ve seen .. jehovah`s witnesses claim to be christians but have with no new testament backing usurped jesus with jehovah.. this period of time ,until god says otherwise ,christians are to give honour and glory to none other than jesus christ .. that is the name that is above any other name until god says otherwise.
phil.2:9-11. not the name jehovah .the bible never says anything about a kingdom of jehovah ,the coming kingdom is the kingdom of jesus christ with his associate 144,000 earthly subjects.. this is just my understanding of what the bible actually says .. whether i believe it or not is another matter..
Considering that they all end their prayers with something like : "We send this prayer through Jesus, Aman", I actually don't see anything wrong with their teaching.
The bible isn't a clear book. It contradicts itself and one of the versions that appears sound to me is the one JWs give about Jesus being only the Son and God deserving the glory and the worship.
What doesn't make sense to me though is the importance they attach to a name made up in the 12th century. The name Jehovah isn't God's name. It's a nick name. And they have the nerves to hold other religions in contempt for not using it.
Belgium: Jehovah's Witnesses will be tried for hate crimes on February 16.
by yalbmert99 inbelgium: jehovah's witnesses will be tried for hate crimes on february 16..
Hateful quotes from WT literature concerning Apostates
- Apostate does not have your well-being at heart.
- Apostates feigning love
- Apostate propaganda [..]‘s basis is envy and hatred
- cunning spirit;
- apostates are mentally diseased
- They may pretend to care about others, but in reality, they are selfish.
- presumptuous attitude to warp their thinking
- Modern-day apostates display characteristics similar to those of the Devil
- They are not interested in learning about Jehovah or in serving him.
Then you can point to this article which instruct members to shun to the point of ignoring even emails and text messages.
- Apostate does not have your well-being at heart.
UGHHHHH Wife wants to pioneer. Our future together doesn’t look promising
by goingthruthemotions inughhhhh wife wants to pioneer.
our future together doesn't look promising .
i told her she doesn’t know what she is getting into.
Goingthruthemotions, I understand that this is hard for you, however, I would advise not throwing down the towel before it is time.
While JWs often say that religion is at the center of a successful mariage, it isn't the case. Love and respect is.
Your love for your spouse will help you support her in becoming the best she can be and achieving her dreams. You'll need to respect her religious beliefs in the process.
But that is a two way street. She also needs to love and respect you and your religious beliefs. We know that the WT doesn't do that, so, everytime she shows lack of love and respect for you, don't hesitate to point it out. But you need to keep the higher grounds. You need to make sure that she never feels oppressed and that she is always respected.
In the end, it is not words that win people over, it's actions. If she sees you always respect, love and honor her, she'll end up realizing that many of the JWs teachings do not do that.
Another dimension to consider: If you were once a JW and have disfellowshipped/dissociated in the past and she is still full in, than... I would advise not having kids. JWs do break apart families. If your wife manages to bring up your kids in her religion, they will be tought to ignore you once they leave the house. That to me sounds like a deal breaker.
On the other hand, if you never were a JW and the relationship you have with your (future) kids is not at risk, than, perhaps you can indeed work with love and respect. I've known many man who have been happy with their JW wives. JWs problems are not necessarily worst, they could be seen as different. You could end up with a none JWs but with different problems.
Poll/ So Who Do You Think Will Win The Presidency?
by minimus ini have always felt trump will win again.
i just don’t see biden winning.. what’s your prediction?.
When I hear the democrates taking Trump's words out of context and say that he has no respects for the Veterans, I sadly believe that they are sabotaging their own campaign. Like Trump would say: Sad! Very Sad!
I don't like trump, but democrates doing this get even more on my nerves. They're supposed to be better than this!
The Re-Opening of the Kingdom Halls
by LetTheTruthBeKnown init's been six months since the kingdom halls have been closed.
i believe here in ontario, canada that you are now allowed to have up to 50 people congregate together.. that was the average attendance before they did all the merging of the congregations.
they should have went back to the original pre-merger congregations.
nowwhat? before the closings there would have been enough room for the people to spread out in most kingdom halls.
Ohhhhhh, that is sooo true!
Everyone is expecting a second wave. That wave is already there in some countries like France. So, I believe that they are doing the right thing by keeping them closed. I prefer my parents to stay healthy as long as possible and that is certainly one thing I am appreciative of.
Later down the road, I wouldn't be surprised to see them keeping the mid week meeting online like this perpetually and move the sunday back at the Kingdom Hall.
I've heard many express how families, especially those with younger children, have found zoom to be much more appropriate during the week. Getting dressed up, driving back and forth to the KH and putting the kids to bed at a reasonable time was difficult. Zoom fixes all that and it seems like it could be there to stay.
Would You Be Comfortable Wearing Political Attire or Putting Political Bumper Stickers?
by minimus insome people get triggered if they see something they don’t like.
you can’t even talk about your preferences with some people because they get very upset.
would you freely talk about politics or show who you support?
The only reason I'd put a bumper sticker on my car would be for something that I strongly believe. This belief could be political in nature, for instance, free education at all levels. I believe that if we are all equal, we also need to have the same opportunities and education is one of those.
However, I don't share ALL the positions of any particular political party. For instance, a political party that bost free education may also promote hatred in the world by being offended by everything or being utterly blind to the dangers of religion in society.
Hence, I don't see myself putting a sticker that promotes a specific party.
Ok, We Need To Talk About The Latest Caleb & Sophia Cartoon
by pale.emperor in(as of 10 sep 2020) there's a new caleb & sophia cartoon in which the org puts into the minds of children the idea that celebrating a birthday will cause jehovah to not want to be your friend anymore..
can you imagine being 6 years old and thinking god himself is no longer your friend because you blew out a candle on a birthday cake or wished someone a happy birthday?.
as bad as all this is, the birthday thing is just one of many jw rules that isnt even supported by scripure.
One of the first thing I did when I left the JW was to celebrate my kids' birthdays. That being said, I don't remember personally suffering from not celebrating my birthdays and holidays when I was a kid. The reason is that my mom made sure to create other "holidays" :
- First year in school = party.
- First hair on my chin = party
- First high school year = party
- Every wedding anniversary = BIG party (was equivalent to christmas)
- first talk in theocratic school = party
- First and last lost tooth = party
- and so on...
Once I left however, i noticed that this was not the case for many JWs. Some didn't celebrate anything at all and suffered greatly because of this.