You're calling out a story that is older than a year... sorry, but seems like the russian website doesn't go back that far.
JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
by lastmanstanding inthe current “news” on jw.borg.
look closely at he picture of “russian” police breaking in to what appears to be a utility shed.. first, you’d have to be a complete moron to believe anything you see.. the “police” are shown using a garden pic to open a door.
Do You Think Trump Should Be Impeached?
by minimus insome democrats are zealously pushing the impeachment route to get rid of trump.
even if you don’t like him, do you support impeachment proceedings?.
why impeach a president that still has great chances in being re-elected by the poeple? That's what democrasy is all about.
Seeking advice
by Mizalisa ini'm not a jw, nor was i raised jw.
for the past three years i have been involved with a man who was raised jw, who at first told me he no longer believed as they did, but who, it has become clear over time, has not told his family or religious community the truth.
he has strung me along for years, never introduced me to anyone in his life.
I'm sorry, but I hung up at "32 years". You can give him an ultimatum: Either move out of your parents place or forget about me. He's old enough and in the worst scenario, he could find a room to rent elsewhere. If he is unable to do this, he has some serious mental issues. We are not talking about a 20ish year old boy here. We are talking about a 30 something man. At that age, he needs to stand up and take actions.
Writing and making it into movies can happen even at that age, but it certainly won't happen if he stays home where he is brought down to his knees and told that his dreems are futile.
By the way, when moving out, he doesn't, nor should he, tell his parents about you. That is a seperate battle perhaps for later. For now, he needs to fade, distance himself from them without getting disfellowshipped.
Might sound harsh, but you don't have to accept it, its just an opinion. In the end, its your life and his and you choose to do what you want with it.
Do You Think People Have Forgotten About 9/11?
by minimus inafter all these years, it seems to me that people do not properly take note of what happened on this date in 2001. for some, it’s like nothing major happened.
for me it is a day of reflection..
As a JW back then, I remember feeling happy and excited thinking that Armagedon was coming.
Glad that I am out of this cult.
Video-Man in Field Service asks to speak to a woman's 15-year old Daughter
by TakeOffTheCrown inhas anyone seen this video of a man out in field service asking a woman if he can speak to her 15 year old daughter by name?
it is rather disturbing..
the link takes you directly to the news station.
Very interesting. One possible scenario: The girl had a conversation with them at a display stand. Gave them their address, but didn't tell her parents about it. Now to save face, she lies about it. This would explain why the brother didn't want to tell the parents. JWs don't mind preaching in the parent's back if they can save a soul.
Request For:--2006 Deliverance At Hand Resolution!
by Atlantis inhi bill:.
you wanted evidence concerning the "resolution" that was mentioned at the convention back in 2006.. ok, here you go:.
2006 "deliverance at hand" district convention resolution.. this "resolution" upgraded the words: "the world", to:human society that is alienated from must be no part of the no part of human society alienated from god.a typed copy of this resolution is found here: note no.7 of the resolution.7.
I remember hearing that " association with outsiders through Internet chat rooms." part and not saying Aye because of it. Wierd, it still took me 7 more years to leave!
Watchtower appeals the lawsuit in Quebec (Canada)
by yalbmert99 inwatchtower appeals the lawsuit in quebec (canada) french:.
I believe that the bottom line would be: Did the elders know about it? If yes, then why didn't they report it to the authorities? This is actually a law in quebec. The only exception to that law, are the lawyers, no one else.
Is this really what happens?
by Theonlyoneleft inhello guys,.
long time no see.
the other day i went out with my sister.
I remember one day, at our camping grounds, I was talking to a "brother" who didn't know I was fadding out and thus, recently inactive. He introduced me to his 30ish year old son and said: "He isn't a witness though." - in a real shameful voice. I felt sad for the son. I could tell that his dad made him feel unworthy due to his religious beliefs.
I deliberately said: "Doesn't have to be!" with a huge smile and started to talk with the son. I could tell the father was surprised by this. He probably put two and two together later when he inquired about me back at his hall.
3-File Requests: Destroy Notes BOE--Publications For Discard--Where Are The Nine!
by Atlantis in2019-08-28 destroy notes..
2012--2018 publications approved for discard.
I find it interesting that the letter does not mention if criminal behavior was covered in the judicial committee (Pedophilia, rape, fraud, physical abuse, murder, etc). As soon as someone takes notes about a crime, it becomes evidence and so, it is unlawful to destroy them. Same goes with introduction letters: if they make any allusion to crimes committed, they cannot be destroyed. And yet, they deliberately ignored this matter in the letter. This is not a small omission, especially in Australia, where they have been under heavy fire for their mishandling of pedophile cases. They are obviously trying to get their elders to destroy evidence without actually spelling it out as they know these letters are constantly getting leaked.
Two Bible Beliefs of Jehovah`s Witnesses ,Do They Align with each other ?
by smiddy3 in1.the first is 2 cor.4:4 that satan is "the god of this system of things" to blind the minds of the unbelievers etc.. so logically this "system of things" would mean the governments ,politicians, armed forces and law enforcement agency`s such as the police would it not?
so satan is in control of all of these under the banner of being the god of this system of things.?.
2. rom.13: 1-7 " let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities for their is no authority except by god".
From what I can see here, the problem lies in that the JWs believe in a book that contradict itself. That's why there are so many flavors of christiens, some choose one verse and twist the meening of the other verses that contradict.