Now that I'm old enough to be one of the judges, I see this process in a different light. This kid seriously messed up. A girlfriend is pregnant... he now will have a child with a women he might not even love and has little in common with her. That in itself is already a huge consequence that will have tremendous impact on his life. They could have told him:
Listen kid, you now have plenty of hardships ahead of you. That doesn’t mean you can’t take control back over your life though. Start walking in line with your faith and your friends and family will stand by your side helping you get through this.
Instead, they complain about his lack of relationship with God, the very thing they are supposed to help restore. Then, it’s all about them: He deceived us, he didn’t report to us earlier, he only confessed because he had to, our forms and documents and rules say this and that… where is the love?