JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
Just wanting confirmation on an unofficial JW experience
by joe134cd injust wondering if anyone can confirm or deny this unofficial jw experience that my father received by email.
i’ve told him that it against wt rules to forward unofficial accounts.
but of course he just puts that down to apostate driven lies.
To add to my comment, technically, this is quite impressive. Just like their litteratures being translated into soo many languages. However, technical achievements do not translate to being good. Technology is blind to morality, good vs bad. The nazis were very advanced with their rockets and industrial process and their u boats. While they were braging about all that, it didn't make them moral. -
Just wanting confirmation on an unofficial JW experience
by joe134cd injust wondering if anyone can confirm or deny this unofficial jw experience that my father received by email.
i’ve told him that it against wt rules to forward unofficial accounts.
but of course he just puts that down to apostate driven lies.
While there is no proof about this, it could happen. Even if the emails are filtered by employees, it could have made its way to the CEO, after all, their platform was at the center of keeping a world wide cult afloat. That in itself is impressive.
Are You Afraid To Publicity Express Your Opinion?
by minimus inare you reticent to express your opinion when it comes to religion or politics?.
when we were jws , we had to be so careful that we didn’t stumble anyone.
are you comfortable saying that you don’t agree with someone or something even if it appears you are in the minority?
I find that many people are like the JWs in that they've been told to believe things and they don't question the official doctrine. For JWs, its the governing body. For many, its the media and whatever trends are on social media.
For these types of people, I usually don't go out of my way to share my thoughts and I try not to have friends like that.
Tips on a successful stumble
by Fadeaway1962 inhi i don't mean tie my shoe laces together,.
i realize some theocatic warfare involved (lying) getting fed up with trying to fade .. how do jw family members react?.
I faded and didn't lie to my family. I didn't see the point in keeping a relationship with them if they didn’t respect me. In exchange, I give them the respect I expect from them. I don’t preach to them or try to subvert their faith. On the contrary, my wife and I will help them when help is needed; for instance, with tablets and other devices.
As for everyone else, I told them I needed time and never said more. If I ever need to lie to JWs doing some type of investigation trying to break apart my family, I will happily oblige. Still, politely avoiding questions tends to be easier.
Results of the 2018 Global Survey of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Unstuck init's long overdue, i know, and i apologise profusely but it's tough working full-time and trying to spend time on all the ex-jw work that i want to do...... that said - here are the 2018 survey results for anyone interested and i am already working on the 2019 results.
also, i'm tweaking the survey for the 2020 release which will be soon..... hugs to all!.
sherrie d'souza (aka unstuck!).
I believe the first reason of the survey was to allow active Jehovah's Witnesses to participate and give their opinion on issues where they are usually unheard. Thus, the title of the site: Giving a voice to the silent majority.
However, out of the 8+ million Jehovah's Witnesses on the plannet, only 378 chose to participate. In this sense, this survey, while I admire the sizable effort, is not a success.
Perhaps active JWs would be more responsive if:
- The survey was placed on a web site for that purpose alone with no articles, blogs, or anything drawing any conclusion from the data presented.
- The web site would allow to do the very same thing for other religions and topics as well. This way, JWs wouldn't feel targeted.
- The survey would come back on top in google searches
- The survey did not contain questions that would remotely sound apostate. It would have to sound like something the watchtower would produce if they ever did one.
- The survey was not calculated per year. Rather, it would allow you to log back and change your mind if you wanted to.
- The survey would display results dynamically based on certain criterias. For exemple, by region or by people who answered this or that question with a particular option.
- Every questions should be optional. The first questions would be very simple and more complexe lengthy questions would be toward the end.
Other than that, the survey sounds like a big echo chamber where we get to hear the same things we hear on facebook and on forums such as this one. It doesn't give us a view on active Jehovah's Witnesses.
And I say all this with the utmost respect I have for Loyd and his friends by the way. I want to mention this as I know all the effort that went into doing this and its not pleasent to hear negative feedback such as the one I am writting here. At least, they can draw comfort in the massive success they've found on Youtube. :)
In my experience the bigger the bag he bigger the ass. You could always tell the idiots who thought a lot of them-self by the bag they carried.
Not so sure. I remember bringing my whole family stuff in there. 4 bibles, 4 kingdom songs, 4 magazines, 2 kingdom Ministry, 4 bible study book, 2 drawing books for kids, other kids stuff. My wife carried the baby babby bag. It wasn't that I was soo spiritual, I had everyone's stuff in it.
I threw the last square suit case I had two weeks ago. I told my mother in law she could give it to some "brother" in her hall if she wanted to. She told me no one uses those anymore. They are all digital.
P. Ms Letter to non subscibers to Redress Scheme
by jonahstourguide inspotted this article this morning.
i will try to post a link.. jtg.. australia.. institutions refusing to join the national redress scheme are "doubling down" on the crime of child sexual abuse, prime minister scott morrison says.. mr morrison and social services minister anne ruston have warned institutions they may lose funding and tax concessions if they fail to sign up by tuesday's deadline and will be named and shamed.. "all institutions are doing in not joining is doubling down on the crime and doubling down on the hurt," they said in a letter to 25 institutions.. "we consider it to be reprehensible that you have failed to sign up to the scheme.".
the jehovah's witnesses is among the organisations that has refused to sign up, arguing it does not have the institutional settings of other faith-based institutions that the redress scheme is designed to cover.. senator ruston is set to name the non-participating institutions on wednesday, when she will announce what action the federal government will take against them.. "we urge you to join the scheme not because of concerns about being identified, but because it is the right thing to do," the minister and mr morrison said.. "it is the right thing to do by survivors and their families and it is what every, decent, honest, australian demands.".
I thought the JWS had a set doctrine which stated that they were to obey governmental authorities
Unless it is against the will of the
governing bodyGod, for God has supreme authority. -
P. Ms Letter to non subscibers to Redress Scheme
by jonahstourguide inspotted this article this morning.
i will try to post a link.. jtg.. australia.. institutions refusing to join the national redress scheme are "doubling down" on the crime of child sexual abuse, prime minister scott morrison says.. mr morrison and social services minister anne ruston have warned institutions they may lose funding and tax concessions if they fail to sign up by tuesday's deadline and will be named and shamed.. "all institutions are doing in not joining is doubling down on the crime and doubling down on the hurt," they said in a letter to 25 institutions.. "we consider it to be reprehensible that you have failed to sign up to the scheme.".
the jehovah's witnesses is among the organisations that has refused to sign up, arguing it does not have the institutional settings of other faith-based institutions that the redress scheme is designed to cover.. senator ruston is set to name the non-participating institutions on wednesday, when she will announce what action the federal government will take against them.. "we urge you to join the scheme not because of concerns about being identified, but because it is the right thing to do," the minister and mr morrison said.. "it is the right thing to do by survivors and their families and it is what every, decent, honest, australian demands.".
The girl Next door: However, the court of public opinion will weigh differently.
Unfortunately, this doesn’t matter much at this point; they are not making new converts. The majority of their new members are their children and these are the ones the government is seeking to protect.
The girl Next door: If every JW victim in Australia got the full amount we are talking over $150 million AUD.
While I join everyone in wanting to hurt the WT organization financially for their reprehensible actions, this will actually do little in eradicating the cult. People will keep practicing their “religion” through zoom and meetings in their various houses or individual properties.
They don’t need any of their buildings to keep their faith. Sure, they’re ability to bring in new members will be reduced, but that has already been the case for a few years now. So, I don’t actually see much impact from removing their buildings, studios, etc.
The only way to stop them is to criminalize certain actions that are no longer acceptable today; among these things are people not reporting child abuse to the authorities.
Smiddy3: Jehovah’s Witnesses have not sponsored any programs or activities that separate children from their parents at any time.
Yes, they do/did: They coupled young kids with experience pioneers. Brothers often have bible studies with the kids of single mothers. They often send out kids in service with adults without their parents.
I personally see nothing wrong with the above by the way. Parents are ultimately responsible to know who they trust. But we cannot say that they don’t have activities that separate the kids from the parents.
Smiddy3: their charitable status should be revoked and they should definitely not get any Government money funded support at all.
I agree, however, as long as they are considered a religion, this will not happen. Unless the governments no longer view ALL religions as charities.
Cofty: Surely it can be shown that they have repeatedly broken the law by failing to report abuse in Australian states that have a reporting law.
I’m not a legal expert, but it appears that these laws only have financial implications, they are not part of the criminal code where they could send those responsible in jail for it. That needs to change.
Smiddy3: At the ARC Geoffrey Jackson the Aussie G.B. member said it would make their life easier if it was mandatory for them to report such instances
That was one of the most nauseating things he said. They take zero accountability for their actions and shift the blame on the government. Typical abusers. I heard apologists say that they could be sued if they broke the confidentiality of some pedophiles. Strangely, instead of taking that fight, they take the one that puts the kids at risks.
Cofty: BUT if the govt make reporting compulsory they will comply.
Even if it was criminal to not report, I suspect that they still wouldn’t until a few of them have been put in jail for it. Long jail sentences are not needed. Just long enough to lose your job and have a criminal record. That will make a whole lot of people think twice.
I can imagine a conversation like this: Why are Brothers Smith, Banks and Craig going to jail for 60 days? Well, they didn’t report a pedophile to the police and that pedophile made 2 other victims. So, they were judged as accessory to his crimes.
Phizzy: The JW Org has done its usual callous calculation, no thought, let alone love, for the victims. It is calculating that to lose Tax Exemption would cost them far less over the years than paying up to $150 Million AUD.
They won’t lose it. These are empty threats and they know it. As they already don’t bring in new members from the public, they don’t care about their public image either. They have gone full cult mode.
Cofty: Do we know the sum that they are being asked to contribute to the scene?
Even if it was 3 million, they wouldn’t. It would imply saying sorry which sounds impossible for them. I’ve never seen them say sorry for absolutely anything.
No-zombie: when the Organization loses its non-charity tax exemption, what would be actual loss to them. I'm assuming that any donations given to the local branch would be taxed.
That won’t happen. They’ll go full persecution mode and will go underground, not declaring any income of any kind. It would actually be easy when you think about it.
Fadeaway1962: Agree with crofty the money is important but what is more important is saying sorry because that would mean acknowledging that the inspired word of god is wrong regarding the two witness rule
They won’t say sorry because it would bring their “reproach” on their organization. Never did, never will. The reason they don’t report to the police has nothing to do with the bible. Even when guilt is established, they still don’t report to the police. Hence, this has nothing to do with the 2 witness rule. Its all about them not wanting to let the authorities in what they perceive as being “their business”.
P. Ms Letter to non subscibers to Redress Scheme
by jonahstourguide inspotted this article this morning.
i will try to post a link.. jtg.. australia.. institutions refusing to join the national redress scheme are "doubling down" on the crime of child sexual abuse, prime minister scott morrison says.. mr morrison and social services minister anne ruston have warned institutions they may lose funding and tax concessions if they fail to sign up by tuesday's deadline and will be named and shamed.. "all institutions are doing in not joining is doubling down on the crime and doubling down on the hurt," they said in a letter to 25 institutions.. "we consider it to be reprehensible that you have failed to sign up to the scheme.".
the jehovah's witnesses is among the organisations that has refused to sign up, arguing it does not have the institutional settings of other faith-based institutions that the redress scheme is designed to cover.. senator ruston is set to name the non-participating institutions on wednesday, when she will announce what action the federal government will take against them.. "we urge you to join the scheme not because of concerns about being identified, but because it is the right thing to do," the minister and mr morrison said.. "it is the right thing to do by survivors and their families and it is what every, decent, honest, australian demands.".
The WT will lose it’s tax exempt charitable status in Australia, I’m certain of it.
I doubt it.
To take JWs off of their charitable status would imply not recognizing them as a religion. Unfortunately, thought the JWs actions were cruel and outright immoral, they didn’t break the law.
To fight the problem at its core, Australia will need to pass laws meant to enforce some of the findings of that commission. For instance, requiring religions to report child abuse. Once they fail to do it, Australia will need to prosecute the dissidents and send them to jail. These will then be in jail, not for their faith, but purely for not reporting ongoing child abuse.
Now, if the JWs leaders refuse to comply with such laws, this would make their organization a criminal one. Only then will Australia be able to question the religious status of the JWs.