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JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
What Will You Be Doing On New Year’s Eve?
by minimus ini can’t remember the last time i stayed in on new year’s eve.
every year we went out and made this date a real party.
it was a celebration that included a night out, a stay in a hotel , eating, drinking and dancing to live music!.
My response to a letter I received from a JW doing FS
by smiddy3 init is a response to a letter i received to explain god`s kingdom and to refer me to jw.org.
type written but signed personally.. and this page looks like it has been photo-copied.
so obviously he has sent many more around this community.. i intend to send this letter back with my hand written response as follows.
Hello Smiddy, I realize my answer is a bit late, but I reviewed the letter you already sent as follow. Notice that I try to be a bit more blend so as not to trip the "Apostate" alarms in their head:
Dear Jehovah’s Witnesses,
I received your letter and I am pleased to see that, like many Christian denominations, you take part in the Christian ministry that has brought 2.2 billion individuals to Christ around the world. I also have a special thought for those of your religion that suffer persecution and oppression in various parts of the globe. As many other Christians around the world, you are a fine example of true loyalty to our lord and savior.
In this world, filled with evil, even the most well-intentioned organizations have been infiltrated by evil and, sadly, your religion, like other Christian organisations, have been the target of pedophiles. This has been well established by the Australian Royal Commission into Institutions of child sexual abuse (ARC) which has resulted in changes in policies in various groups, including yours! While your leaders have not manifested their desire to take part in the redress scheme accepted by most, I hope you incorporate further advises that were provided by the ARC during their procedural review as some significant ones have not yet been put in place.
Your ministry is certainly important and no doubt you want to bring people closer to God and to the values thought by our Lord Jesus. For this reason, I hope your organization will be able to clear its issues unveiled by the ARC so that millions around the world will be able to focus back on your teachings rather than being troubled by the results of this commission in your regard.
Your fellow Christian,
House holder.
Tsunamis and Volcanos: why?
by StephaneLaliberte involcano eruptions and tsunamis kill at large scale and very often, without warning.
how do believers explain these away?
jehovah's witnesses say that humans die and suffer due to the original sin, but what do volcano's and tsunamis have to do with it?
Volcano eruptions and Tsunamis kill at large scale and very often, without warning. How do believers explain these away? Jehovah's Witnesses say that humans die and suffer due to the original sin, but what do Volcano's and Tsunamis have to do with it? And God was done creating the earth when humans were added to the garden of eden. He was satisfied with his work. Told them to dominate the earth, but it is obvious that humans would never be able to dominate volcano's, earth quakes and tsunamis. So why would God fix it for the paradise when it was already a problem when he created the world perfect in the first place?
// Happy debugging, suckers
by MeanMrMustard ini know there are a few software developers here.
just for fun.... .
1) rand() is a random number between 0 and 32767. This means that this statement would return false on occasion and would likely be difficult to find.
2) This is sabotage and the programmer could receive a hefty bill for the time invested in fixing this. The comment leaves no doubt about the intentions.
Russian brother gets suspended jail sentence. - perfect example of how misinformed the jdub's are
by nowwhat? inon november 24, 2020, the petropavlovsk-kamchatskiy city court of the kamchatka territory convicted brother sergey ledenyov.
he was given a two-year suspended prison sentence with three years of probation.
he does not need to go to prison at this time.. on the final day of hearings, sergey boldly explained what it means to be one of jehovah’s witnesses.
I don't care whether he's right are not, its senseless to outlaw people for their religion. Condemn and judge them on their actions, not their belief. If that brother was brought to court for enforcing the shunning policy, I wonder how that declaration of faith would sound than.
UPDATE: Fanatical Mom wants to report me
by Scarlett_Martin in*** update 2020/11/21 ****.
hello people,.
some time ago i made my first on this forum after i have just woken up.. i was very scared and honestly i am still amazed from the fact that i am still getting replies in the old thread.. here is the link to my previous thread: link.
Hello Scarlett,
Dissociating from the teachings of a group such as the JWs isn't easy. If at times, you feel confused about the righteousness of your decision to leave, focus on the core reasons that lead you to leave in the first place. Don't ever ignore these by focusing on what appears to be good about the group.
While you are still close to your parents, the reality is that you need to go forth and build a new life, where, perhaps, you will be a parent yourself. This doesn't mean it will be easy, but it will certainly be easier than staying in a group that will not let you be the best of what you can be.
You're still young and you could be surprised to know where you'll be. Not dedicating 20 hours a week to a religion means that you could dedicate that time and energy to other things that drives you. You'll discover new horizons and find out options you weren't aware of their existence.
''Faith in Action'' video....Jesus Disciples depicted with ''field service bags'' and preaching with ''Scrolls''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inhere is a screenshot from a video on jw.org.
go to videos, our organization, history .
jehovah's witnesses—faith in action, part 1: out of darkness.
If the door to door ministry was so vital and core to Jesus' teachings, certainly, there would be a field service success story in the bible, would there not? Or for the very least, how they were persecuted for going door to door.
by dropoffyourkeylee inok, here is something i had not heard of.
apparently the next step to becoming an online religion..
I don't see any reference to the Watchtower of Christien Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. The abous us section says nothing about who actually runs this site. This is fishy.
But then again, how stupid would you need to be to invest so much effort and monney into something that like that without the watchtower's buy in? I mean, this is not a dating site, this is something specifically meant to broadcast official meetings, something Watchtower can shut down at a snap of fingers. One digital letter to the BOE and all that investment goes down. I'd be surprised that Watchtower isn't behind this. But then again, I've been seen people do alot of stupid stuff in my life time.
JW's Not Members anymore but Individuals
by pistolpete ini've been waiting for someone to post this and i've haven't seen it yet, perhaps i overlooked it since i don't visit that often.. but here is the link to the discussion.
in it you will find letters and links to this new light.
whether it's true or not, please verify.. as of .
In canada, if you have contractors and yet, treat them as employees, they are considered employees and have the same legal obligations then if they were in fact employees. It is not what you say that matters, it is how you act. Hence, even if they say that people are individuals and not members, they are in fact members. They gather together, have membership in smaller groups (service and bible groups). If they do something wrong, they can be disfellowshipped. They congregation and bethels hold records about them. They are financially sustained by them. All the actions are those of members of a religious organization. Taking away the name changes doesn't change that. BUT, it will likely contribute to lengthening a few court processes.
When I was younger, I cleaned offices and sometimes windows. I remember that people working in those offices were looking at me with pitty, thinking I had a shitty job. While they were averaging 15$/hr at the time, I was making 30$ and was my own boss.
Now i'm in another profession and industry. But point is that if you do things right, you can do a whole lot of monney in cleaning, even more than many professionals will do with their own career.