I must admit that I listen to most of Lloyd's videos. I do find many of them too be a bit to windy, so I play them at 1.5x speed. I find a lot of information and video edits from the watchtower interesting.
As for him making a living off of that, in my opinion, is not manipulating people for his profit. He is providing a service (information, interviews, videos, documentation, etc) and is paid for that. Manipulating is the watchtower telling people they cannot be happy without them. Lloyd never made any such comments and often said that people are in a better place when they no longer need his videos and to talk about JWs like this in their lives, when they can all leave it behind.
I can't leave it behind as, like him, I live with my JW in-laws.
That being said, the other comments made on this thread are valid. The very fact he's against this board is a problem in and of itself. People on this board are reasonable enough, I believe the only thing he doesn't like about it is that he is not on control of the information. When he says something, people can comment and say opposite things and he doesn't have the ability to edit it out.
As for me? I tend to try to take the best out of people. The best I have from this group is the variety of opinions and the best I get from Lloyd is a steady stream of information about the JWs.