JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
Strong female characters in film before the 'Woke Era'
by LoveUniHateExams insince about 2015, hollywood has congratulated itself and circle-jerked over the 'strong women' characters they've written.
i'd say this roughly began with rey in the force awakens (2015).
what hollywood forgets is that strong characters have to have a personality, otherwise audiences don't really relate to them.. well, hollywood should really stop patting themselves on the back as if they've done something special.. strong female characters have been a staple for decades.. here's one: private vasquez, from aliens (1986).
Strong female characters in film before the 'Woke Era'
by LoveUniHateExams insince about 2015, hollywood has congratulated itself and circle-jerked over the 'strong women' characters they've written.
i'd say this roughly began with rey in the force awakens (2015).
what hollywood forgets is that strong characters have to have a personality, otherwise audiences don't really relate to them.. well, hollywood should really stop patting themselves on the back as if they've done something special.. strong female characters have been a staple for decades.. here's one: private vasquez, from aliens (1986).
Marry Poppins
In History Who Is The Most Influential Person To You?
by minimus ini think jesus christ was the most influential person in history.
of course some people think he never really existed but everyone has an opinion.
who do you think made the most influence on you?.
When reading "Hitler" in one of the answers here, I was like "What????" But come to thing about it, yeah, he's been very influential in terms of what not to do and how things can slowly get into a nightmarish state even in a civilized world. So, often, we thing: Don't do this or don't do that, cause that's how the nazi's started!
Interesting really.
Go Bag and Catastrophes
by StephaneLaliberte ini live with my parents in law and yesterday, my mother in-law was very nervous about an email she got from the brothers in her congregation.
it was asking if she would be able to receive people over at our house should there be a catastrophe.
so, she asked me if i would agree with this.
That's the thing, a part of me wanted to calms my mother in law, but I know she's been conditioned to reject anything that remotely sounds contradictory with the WT. Instead, she'd be even more worried that we would not pass armagedon, so I played the game, for her, so that she may find some peace in believing that we might have a chance.
Go Bag and Catastrophes
by StephaneLaliberte ini live with my parents in law and yesterday, my mother in-law was very nervous about an email she got from the brothers in her congregation.
it was asking if she would be able to receive people over at our house should there be a catastrophe.
so, she asked me if i would agree with this.
I live with my parents in law and yesterday, my mother in-law was very nervous about an email she got from the brothers in her congregation. It was asking if she would be able to receive people over at our house should there be a catastrophe. So, she asked me if I would agree with this. I said sure. However, we’d need to prioritize our family and close friends before we would welcome others. But if all our close ones were safe, then, yes, it would be our pleasure to provide shelter to others in trouble. She told me she would say “no” on the form, but that she would convey our message to the brothers.
She than told me that lately, the WT has talked a lot about the “go bag”, that they can sense something, and we should get ready just in case. To put her mind at ease, I’ll set up bags for my family as well. I mean, no harm in it. But what got be concerned is how stressed she appeared about the topic, as if catastrophe was at our door.
I then discussed with my wife about all this and my wife said that her mother made the right choice to say “no”, otherwise, it would give some “managing” power to the brothers about who would get shelter at our house. They would likely want to prioritize brothers and sisters over some of our close ones who are ex-jws or non-jws.
I have to say that the “fear” card that they are playing lately, I don’t like it, I don’t like it one bit. I don’t mind getting people prepared in case of emergency, but it’s the fact that they’ve been “talking a lot about it” that gets me annoyed.
The First Time I Went Over 120mph (193kph) I Was In A ____________ ,
by Sea Breeze inhonda vfr 750.
A 2001 Chrysler Neon, thought I think it was topped at 190. I was a stupid kid back then. Today, I still often drive above the limit, but not in a stupid way. For instance, back than, I'd drive 100 km in the city on 50km/h streets filled with parked cars; no idea if anyone will come out between two cars! Today, in such places, I go at 50, sometimes even less, minding the surroundings. But then again, on some select wide boulevards, I can drive 110 even if the limit is 70.
As for the highways, I've driven on "no speed limits" high ways in Germany that weren't much different then many of the highways we have here in Canada. So, I don't always agree with the posted limits in Canada. I believe it comes down to the experience of the driver and what they are driving. For instance, with my vehicle today, I never pushed it further than 165.
Poll: Atheists overwhelmingly oppose the death penalty, but most Christians favor it
by Disillusioned JW insee .
i am an atheist and i disapprove of the death penalty.
i remember michael dukakis, when he was a usa presidential candidate, saying i he was opposed to the death penalty - even for rapists and murderers.
I consider myself an atheist and have no problem with the death penalty when it is proven beyond any reasonable doubt about the guilt of the person charged with the crime.
I feel that way to. The problem is that I have seen 12 jury all agree that someone deserved the death sentence with nothing more than circumstantial evidence.
Poll: Atheists overwhelmingly oppose the death penalty, but most Christians favor it
by Disillusioned JW insee .
i am an atheist and i disapprove of the death penalty.
i remember michael dukakis, when he was a usa presidential candidate, saying i he was opposed to the death penalty - even for rapists and murderers.
Their is a myth going around that prison sentences are to rehabilitate the criminal. [...] Some people who commit very serious crimes are beyond rehabilitation
To me, if someone committed a crime that would have been deserving of death, than, they should be considered un-redeemable and spend the rest of their lives in jail. However, the moment you know you plan to free someone from Jail in 2, 5 or 10 years, you need to seriously consider a rehabilitation plan for them, otherwise, they'll make more victims until they get caught again.
Poll: Atheists overwhelmingly oppose the death penalty, but most Christians favor it
by Disillusioned JW insee .
i am an atheist and i disapprove of the death penalty.
i remember michael dukakis, when he was a usa presidential candidate, saying i he was opposed to the death penalty - even for rapists and murderers.
I do not understand the high tolerance for crime among atheists
Being willing to pay for 100's of killers and serial rapists to stay in jail for the rest of their natural life so that absolutely no innocent is killed by a government that represents me, I don't see how that shows tolerance for crime. Its no tolerance for injustice.
Poll: Atheists overwhelmingly oppose the death penalty, but most Christians favor it
by Disillusioned JW insee .
i am an atheist and i disapprove of the death penalty.
i remember michael dukakis, when he was a usa presidential candidate, saying i he was opposed to the death penalty - even for rapists and murderers.
I used to be against it, because I thought most people can be redeemed.
While I certainly believe that a lot of people are not redeemable, the concept of executing a 50 year old man for something he did when he was 18 is none sense to me.
I don't believe that any of us can claim to be the same we were 30 years ago. I don't believe that executing someone after so many years is justice.
The idea, the concept of execution makes sense to me. The implementation does not.