Never thought I'd see all these great heroes from my childhood grow old and die like this.
I was expecting them to burn at Armageddon.
certainly amongst the best actors ever.
probably the best.
kelly's heroes and don't look now a couple of my favourites.
Never thought I'd see all these great heroes from my childhood grow old and die like this.
I was expecting them to burn at Armageddon. .
russia is amping up to severe torture for jws.
i don't think this is appropriate behaviour for anyone..
That's one thing I liked about the movie Silence (2016) with Andrew Garfield. It shows Christians being tortured in Japan. It is horrible what happened to them, and I hope that JWs watching a movie like that would realize that people's ability to remain steadfast, even under torture, doesn't make their belief truth.
yuh gotta start somewhere, right?.
big bang theory is not a theory of the creation of the universe, but rather a model of the history and evolution of the universe from its earliest moments.
it wasn't really until the time of st. augustine that the idea of "out of nothing" entered the discussion.. a reading of genesis doesn't force the "out of nothing" into it at all.. in fact, a kind of chaotic "something" was put into form - or - something out of "something", the way adam is formed from red mud and eve from the rib.
Thanks for this great post Terry. I'm going to bookmark this post as it is obvious to me that I'll need much more time to thing about it then what I have this morning, but very, very interesting.
2024-declare-the-good-news-convention-transcript.. 387 pages long, bookmarked and searchable.. . .
Saturday Morning, page 6 is a prime example of their hypocrisy!
They give an example of a sister who died while giving birth, and people around assumed it was due to rejecting a blood transfusion. People judged and were aggressive with them until the doctors confirmed that the cause of death was something else; they didn't bother mentioning what it was. When people realized they were wrong about the JWs, they changed their minds, and some even became JWs themselves.
Here, they are clearly manipulating the information. They make it seem like those who are denouncing the Jehovah's Witnesses for the higher risk of maternal death are spreading harmful gossip! Hey, even the doctor said she died of something else!
In the meantime, doctors all over the world are denouncing that the JWs are indeed at greater risk.
For instance, the Singla et al. (2001) study concludes
Women who are Jehovah's Witnesses are at a 44-fold increased risk of maternal death,
If they truly believe that Jehovah is asking you to lay down your life in such a manner, then they shouldn't be afraid to present the facts to their followers.
"Yes brothers and sisters, many of us will die, many will grow up without their mothers, and many husbands will raise their children without their loved one by their side. But this is the sacrifice that Jehovah is asking of us in order to respect the sacredness that blood represents.
If they did this, I'd actually respect them for it. At least they'd be honest about it. Full-grown adults would be making that decision with all the facts in front of them. Instead, once in the hospital, professionals present them with these facts, and they don't believe it!
Even when it does happen, they still don't believe it!
For example, there's a sister that died that way in Quebec (Éloïse Dupuis). My dad was telling me that what we heard on the news were all lies. In fact, he saw the father of the victim give a testimony at a convention and confirmed it was all lies! Well, he believed this until I gave him a copy of the coroner's report. In that report, after carefully researching all the facts, the coroner concluded that she did, in fact, die, in agony, due to rejecting blood.
Obviously, that report was too damming for Eloise's family, so they chose to believe that the whole hospital and the coroner were wrong.
On the other hand, when a doctor reaches a conclusion they want, then they share it all over the world in their district convention!
how do you feel about this latest inquiry?
although we expect jehovah's witnesses to use this opportunity to say "we were right all this time", it's nonetheless a historic blow to the nhs.
A certain percentage of people received infected blood over a 20 year period. Of those people, 10% died.
It doesn't explain
Also, the report concluded that the disaster should have been largely avoided. The article doesn't quantify the word largely. 90 percent? 80 percent? Would this mean that the true number of victims (those who died) would be 2,400 instead of 3,000?
Of course its bad, its very bad! The victims deserve full reparations. However, we need to be realists here and acknowledge that medical progress has helped people in general live much longer than they ever did in the past. Obviously, it doesn't give NHS a free pass to lie and cover up things. That's why there must be consequences. Still, the severity of this situation can be measured and reported better than what I've seen from this article.
As for JW speakers all over the world, they without a doubt use this and make it sound like you will definitely get AIDS if you get a blood transfusion.
the war in the ukraine has been going on for 2+ years now, yet very little has been put forth by the org on how the witnesses are doing there.
especially of interest would be just how the org has implemented their relatively new 'alternative service is ok' policy in lieu of real military service in a place where warfare is actually occurring.
yet nothing is forthcoming from the gb on this matter, or any other issues, really.. does anyone know what's been going on the regarding the witnesses there?.
I was raised in the JWs and I have a natural disdain for war. Unfortunately, there are times when war is inevitable. Here you have a foreign country invading yours, bombing your whole world, willing to kill your family, friends and neighbors and you're supposed to be pacifist about it? That doesn't make sense to me.
If I lived in Ukraine, I doubt that I'd be able to just walk away. Let's face it. There are just and unjust wars. In the end, I believe you can exercise your freedom of conscience. But to blindly be pacifist no matter the circumstances? Unless you're an actual priest, its not a sustainable position for normal citizens to take. Unfortunately, in wars like this, not taking a stand is in fact taking a position for the enemy.
you can't make this shit up!
someone over on reddit posted this illustration from some wt publication or website or whatever.
A better suggestion would be to scrap those horrible horrid songs altogether.
One of the things that helped waking me and my wife up was when they changed the songs in 2012. Sure, there were some bad songs before then, but that year, they replaced and messed up some of the classics that we liked. I understood updating some of the lyrics, but the music itself? They obviously didn`t ask for permission or conducted trials, or something. They just did it and told us that they were "better". They didn't care what people really felt like about the songs, they instructed the rank and files to like them.
How can you force people to like a song over another? You can't! Unless you allow yourself to be brain-washed completely and thoroughly.
2024-05-may-03-announcement. for 2024 governing body update #3english spanish french russian grandpa!
Did the WT Biggies not imagine that such a change would open floodgates of problems? JW's are NOT accustomed to thinking for themselves.
Bang on! LOL
the following is half of the letter the watchtower send to a brother in 2021 as an explanation to why they still promote the united nations on their website ,it makes for an interesting reading.
the rest of the letter is on or warch the video.
I don't see anything big here. Honestly, even an apostate like myself find that they offered some very valid points.
2024-05-may-03-announcement. for 2024 governing body update #3english spanish french russian grandpa!
So they're walking back the tiny bit of freedom they offered the slaves regarding the dress code? - NotFormer
I`m sorry, but I read the transcript and, honestly, I don`t see where they are walking back. Can you offer a bit more precision?