Hey Snakes,
I'm in central Iowa, close to Des Moines. Yes, if there is a midwestern Apostafest, I guarantee I'd be going.
hi snake in the tower.
it wa nice meeting you.
wish we had more time to visit.
Hey Snakes,
I'm in central Iowa, close to Des Moines. Yes, if there is a midwestern Apostafest, I guarantee I'd be going.
allow me to point out that, per the society's regulations, every kingdom hall has a pile of metaphorical dynamite within.
every kingdom hall.
is required to keep judicial files - often going back decades - locked in the kingdom hall.
Yes, but you're also not going to be able to simply "waltz" right into the library or "back room" with a screwdriver and cause a ruckus with the file cabinets, within about 5 seconds the elders are going to gang tackle you. The only way I could see this working is if someone that was a key holder for the hall was truly an "apostate", and whilst being out in the ministry by himself, had to stop back at the hall for a restroom break. He could then get into the cabinets, but would also have to have a lookout, and some walkie talkies to notify him of "brother suspicious" coming towards the hall.
It could be done, but it would take a good measure of planning, and would have to be done very late at night / early morning at a remote Kingdom Hall that's not in the middle of town. Also a hall that Dubs don't live near. Really there are quite a lot of variables to pulling off something like this. Its possible, but again the planning and timing would have to be impeccable.
ok, it's been awhile and i thought i'd tell you guys what happened about the family reunion situation.
to rehash... i wrote a letter telling all the jw's in my family that i wasn't going to take any crap off them anymore, that i would embarass their dumba#* if they treated me badly in anyway at funerals and reunions and the like.
i told them i was going to bring information about the idiot jw's to every family event and i was going to get in their faces if they chose to treat me badly cause i refuse to follow the fools at the wtbts.
Dawg, nice to see you back around these parts. I'd been wondering how your activity was going, good on you, for taking a stand and seeing some results. Next time I'm in Georgia visiting my family, I'd love to meet up with you.
we've already had a post on this, but there were other interesting comments.. the brother giving the announcements said that there would be a new understanding of jesus' reference to the generation as discussed at the annual meeting.. an elder giving a service meeting part review of different watchtower articles from the current year brought out the new light concerning 1935.. he asks: "when is the sealing of the anounted ones?".
elder answers: "there is no specific date".
later after the meeting, i asked an elder if the new understanding of the remnant now meant that younger people could go to heaven.. he answered with an affirmative "yes" and that we would be getting the new understanding of the generation jesus spoke of in a future 2008 watchtower.. .
Boy it would be nice if they actually seriously thought about these changes, BUT SADLY, many will not. They will just "lap it up", and soon the Borg, will paint the picture that really it was the R&F that were wrong. Soon all of the earlier annointed teachings will be gone, just like Dust in the Wind. I also expect, many of the date teachings to be done away with that way, this "dog and pony show" can go on forever.
I miss my family, but I know, they will just eat this stuff up, they always have, I mean how dare you question the Governing Body's direction on matters. My father is so intelligent, it really bothers me that he doesn't use his brain on this. My two aunts are easily fooled, and well grandma isn't going anywhere because she's too old, and dedicated her whole life to being a JW. Some of my distant family has been "simplifying" their life, and selling assets and businesses to pioneer, etc., so I know they aren't going anywhere.
do any of you find it weird that a lot of the ex jw's here and at other sites are in there 30's??.
it's like the jw's have lost a whole generation..
I started doubting in my early teens, then the change in 1995 happened when I was 14, that pretty much sealed my fate, once I thought about that. I started fading at 21, then came back at 24, and finally DF'd at 25 1/2. While I was at college I read many things about "da troof", the Dateline about child abuse came out then, and I was shocked, especially the 1975 ordeal. I confirmed that there was a 2 witness rule with my elder father and elder grandpa, and that's what made me start my initial fade at 21. I came back because some brothers that were old friends of my family showed some interest in helping me out and having me over, eventually they invited me to go to their hall. Well my (now ex) wife, wouldn't go along, so I went alone. I later found out about her affair at work, that had been going on for quite a while, but she refused to tell the elders. I then saw "the love" of the elders, when they yelled at me in the back room about "leaving my wife on unscriptural grounds", they kept telling me over and over again, to return to her and make our marriage work. Then when I'd leave the committee, I'd drive by her boyfriend's place and her car was there. Many times I invited the elders to go with me, and time and time again, they refused. They told me I would never be scripturally free, because "she was doing nothing wrong", "I filed for an unscriptural divorce, because I didn't wait on Jehovah". I got so tired of that BS, plus all the many doctrinal changes, I decided late in 2006 that I no longer wanted to be a witness, so I started fading again, because I wanted no part of that organization anymore. Then in early 2007, I got busted for having a girlfriend. Ever since I've been reading and researching alot of things in the organization's dark past.
hi snake in the tower.
it wa nice meeting you.
wish we had more time to visit.
Is there a midwestern meetup this weekend??? I'm in Iowa, and would like to meet others too.
so tonight, i have one of my buddies over that is a fader, and we're sitting around eating some smoked pork and bbq beans that i made over the weekend.
one of our "conditional friends" called me and asked if he could pick up his mail, that he had forwarded to my house.
you see our former friend has a credit card and cell phone that he doesn't want his dub parents knowing about, so he had it forwarded to my place.
I know I probably should've been nice, but, he's hurt my feelings a couple times here lately. First was when he called me an apostate, to one of my other "former friends", and Second, was even worse.
He called and asked "Hey, you're really hard to get a hold of lately. Do you mind if I have my phone bill mailed to your house"
I said, "Yeah, well my life doesn't revolve around you anymore, since you've cut me off. But yeah, you can send it to my place, but why?"
He said, "I don't want my parents finding out about my new cell phone, they went through my old bills and cancelled my text messaging, so now I can't talk to my girfriend anymore."
I asked, "You know, you are 20 now, perhaps, you could grow some stones, and move out. Hey why don't we hang out again soon"
He said, "You know I can't do that"
I said, "Yes you can, just because I'm DF'd, you still have a choice to be my friend"
He said, "YOU made the decision to be a fornicator, not me, YOU screwed up our friendship with your selfishness!!!"
So our conversation ended, and yeah I'm such a fornicator, I've had the same girlfriend now for 8 months and counting... This after being married for 5 1/2 years and being cheated on by my ex, and not being free to remarry, so finally I got fed up and found a woman outside the borg.
it was expected of me to get baptized and at 9 i was.
what about you?
Pressured, BIG TIME, especially by my step mom's side of the family. It was just the expected thing to do when I was 15 and expected to make such a life altering change. My grandma also was driving the pressure hard and so were the local elders. Dad thought it was the "right thing to do" also, but never pressured like the others. I was mature enough, BUT, I didn't want to do it. I did it so people would get off my back.
so tonight, i have one of my buddies over that is a fader, and we're sitting around eating some smoked pork and bbq beans that i made over the weekend.
one of our "conditional friends" called me and asked if he could pick up his mail, that he had forwarded to my house.
you see our former friend has a credit card and cell phone that he doesn't want his dub parents knowing about, so he had it forwarded to my place.
So tonight, I have one of my buddies over that is a fader, and we're sitting around eating some smoked pork and BBQ beans that I made over the weekend. One of our "conditional friends" called me and asked if he could pick up his mail, that he had forwarded to my house. You see our former friend has a credit card and cell phone that he doesn't want his Dub parents knowing about, so he had it forwarded to my place. So I say sure, come on over. He shows up, comes on in, and sits down to review his mail, and I say, "Hey how bout some pork", he says no, finally I force a small piece on him. Then he goes over and picks another couple pieces off. Before he reaches for his 5th chunk of smoked pork, I say, "Now Brother, you know what you're Bible says, 'You're not to have a meal with such a man', so I just can't allow you to have any more of that delicious smoked pork." He laughed, and then tried to sneak a chunk and I said, " 'You're not supposed to share a meal with sinners', you'd best not have any more." He got a look like I just kicked his dog, and tucked tale and almost ran out of my house. I hate people that just use you for stuff. Its very annoying, he hasn't called, wrote or talked to me in months, and then he has the gull to have some mail sent to my house, F#ck that... If you're not going to speak to me, or be my friend, you're also not getting my delicious pulled pork either. I also made a face at my former PO's wife tonight on the way out of the grocery store. She kept staring so I made a bug-eyed face, and stuck my tongue out, figure I might as well give her something to actually stare about.
hi friends!
i'm angie, the daughter of his-awesomeness rollerdave!
i mean.... his um evilness mr scary apostate... o_o :p (nevermind the fact that they wouldnt baptise him... eeentaresting....).
What instruments and styles do you play? ^_^
I play guitar, bass and a little harmonica, but primarily a guitarist. I'm the lead guitarist and lead singer for a very busy blues band here in Iowa. I also play rock, classic rock, blues rock, country, swing, rockabilly, and southern rock. Currently I'm starting up a rock band too. So like I said, I play "a little".
ELO, is some tough stuff, I've always heard, though I don't play it.