See, my dad is as honest as the day is long. He's always maintained the same stance about me being the most important thing in his life. The one time we saw each other in person since my Df'ing was at my grandpa's funeral over the summer, and we chatted like old times. HOWEVER, we had the longest, most tearful hug ever that day before the funeral, both told each other how much we miss and love each other, and we were shaking when we were hugging. I love my dad unconditionally, but I shed a lot of tears already when he decided to cut me off. His words in February 2007, were, "Bluesbreaker, you know I love you, and I always will, but as an elder, I have to obey the commands. Our communication will have to be drastically reduced, and believe me I don't want to, it kills me to even have to tell you this. I love you, take care of yourself, don't go crazy and don't wait too long to come back."
I heard through the grapevine he was totally lost without me at the summer convention, my aunt told me he was walking around very down and depressed like he lost his best friend. My stepmom told her that he cried at the hotel every night. We've always had a very close bond, probably the closest father-son bond ever, honestly. We used to talk everyday, usually 2 - 3 times a day even.