They may use this meeting as a "feeler"... Meaning they will ask her, if she receives undo stress from you, or if she is being fed "apostate food". If she answers yes to either of these, they will go the route of "spiritual endangerment", I guarantee it, especially if they are younger elders. If you have a group of very old (read: Dinosaur) elders, then they will remind her of her wedding vows were said before Jehovah, and will NOT, go the route of spiritual endangerment, however, they will be asking about you.
I've had sheperding calls both ways, when I was in. Usually though they only want to come over about "lack of...", its rare that they come as an encouragement. Its usually to nitpick, harp on you, or drill you for info.
I tried to go the route of endangerment from my ex-wife, when they wouldn't believe she was cheating, even though she was staying at another man's house for full weekends.