This is great news and i'm so happy for you!
It truly is refreshing to build genuine relationships and rekindle old ones. You can now continue to have a healthy view of who you allow in your life now.
Thank you for sharing.
well, it's been some time since i've posted.
a lot of you have encouraged me to live my life without the shackles of wt and i have begun to do so - doing what i want to do in my life.
it is a lot of fun not looking at people and judging them because their "worldly" - they're human beings!!!
This is great news and i'm so happy for you!
It truly is refreshing to build genuine relationships and rekindle old ones. You can now continue to have a healthy view of who you allow in your life now.
Thank you for sharing.
i'm kind of learning the ropes here i just wanted to see if they are any young people and what i mean is from teen to 20ish.
no offense to anyone who is over that age but u are still welcome to post here
What sweetface said. Also, since i'm a person in you same age range I can tell you that it can feel that you've been robbed of your life. Heck, I want my, ummmm....3 years back. That may not seem like nothing but seconds to those that have lost 10, 20, 30 and more years in the religion, but we can't have that time back, so we have to continue on. Give it time bro. We have so much time ahead of us and we're just beginning our lives.
I'm here for ya.
i'm kind of learning the ropes here i just wanted to see if they are any young people and what i mean is from teen to 20ish.
no offense to anyone who is over that age but u are still welcome to post here
I'm at the wonderful age of 23
purplesofa, .
thanks for sharing this book with me.
although i'm sure this book is accurate and these things have happened within the governing body, it did happen a long time ago and even the "annoited" are imperfect men.. after alot of thought and prayer i chose to stay a witness- an active witness to my ability which is now limited.
I wouldn't give up hope Purps. That's something huge, in my opinion, for a faithful JW to read anything of that caliber. It is unfortunate though that she has the "where is can I go" mentality that's so prevalent. Since you've stated that this is all the life she has, hopefully there is something that could come along to give her more options, some other interest than just Organizational activities.
Definitely keep showing love to her as I know you'll keep doing already.
perhaps this is just a local issue, but i'd like to share this quick experience with you.. i, like i thought any person could have, had a close friend of the opposite sex.
now she and i were good friends before i even entered into a courtship with my ex-fiancee.
at first, she didn't like the idea of me having a female friend, but then she thought about it and said she had no problem with it, as long as certain boundaries were held......fair enough.
J-A-S, I agree, but as my dear sweetface said, i'm technically "still in", fading because of my family, so i'm very careful about how I handle things. Sounds like it sucks I know, but that's the route I choose to go right now. I just like to share certain experiences of mine just in case there happens to be others here who can relate.
Snakes...I just read through the link you provided and can't believe there was such a big fuss over a lie. If the same thing would've happened to me while I was still an active Borg-believer, I would've been crushed by it all.
my name's ben and i'm fresh off the boat, if you will.
are there any real life support groups for people like us, or is this as good as it gets?
i look forward to meeting you all.
Welcome Ben!! We're looking forward to learning more about you, so we'll be looking forward to your posts!!
perhaps this is just a local issue, but i'd like to share this quick experience with you.. i, like i thought any person could have, had a close friend of the opposite sex.
now she and i were good friends before i even entered into a courtship with my ex-fiancee.
at first, she didn't like the idea of me having a female friend, but then she thought about it and said she had no problem with it, as long as certain boundaries were held......fair enough.
LOL @ sweetface! I'm glad I wasn't thrown into that pot.
Thank you for the replies anyone. Like I said, I understand why she was concerned, that's why I respected her view on it. I just hate how easy it is for everyone in the congregation can eventually be in on it and really affect a relationship.
perhaps this is just a local issue, but i'd like to share this quick experience with you.. i, like i thought any person could have, had a close friend of the opposite sex.
now she and i were good friends before i even entered into a courtship with my ex-fiancee.
at first, she didn't like the idea of me having a female friend, but then she thought about it and said she had no problem with it, as long as certain boundaries were held......fair enough.
EDIT: Sorry sweetface...I misread your post....
What I meant by the thread and it's title is the question...."can we really have a platonic relationship without there being such a big issue about it in the organization?"
Many people have this type of relationship. Some eventually may go further, but many keep it at this level. It seems like within the Borg that you can't have one at all. The "world" abounds with them, even though they're talked about there too, but it seems that the Org has way too much control on the little guy when it comes to issues like these.
perhaps this is just a local issue, but i'd like to share this quick experience with you.. i, like i thought any person could have, had a close friend of the opposite sex.
now she and i were good friends before i even entered into a courtship with my ex-fiancee.
at first, she didn't like the idea of me having a female friend, but then she thought about it and said she had no problem with it, as long as certain boundaries were held......fair enough.
Perhaps this is just a local issue, but i'd like to share this quick experience with you.
I, like I thought any person could have, had a close friend of the opposite sex. Now she and I were good friends before I even entered into a courtship with my ex-fiancee. At first, she didn't like the idea of me having a female friend, but then she thought about it and said she had no problem with it, as long as certain boundaries were held......fair enough. So as my ex and I were going through some older photos of me and we came across one with my friend and I from way back when I visited her in her State about 3 years ago. Unexpectantly, my ex's entire demeanor changed, and she got extremely upset. I tried asking her what the the problem was but that was to no avail. I had to make a quick run so I left her house for a few minutes.
When I returned, she goes on to interrogate me when it came to my friend and I. She wanted to know how much we talked, what we talked about......etc, etc, was virtually a page long list if questions. The fact is, we, the friend and I didn't really talk much after I got into the courtship. Well we talked it out, but she said she felt we should go to the elders about it. She eventually opted out on that idea.
She later ends up telling me that her mom fed her the questions to ask me. Her mom said that I probably have a romantic interest in her but it just didn't work out between us. She also suggest to my ex that I might be having another relationship on the side.
Now i'll say this......i've never had a romantic interest in my female friend AT ALL. She's really like a sister to me.
Then of course, the rumor mill began. Just because my friend seemed to be the ultimate "potential-mate package"...beautiful, regular pioneer, wanted to become a bethelite..etc, it was automatically assumed that there was no doubt that I tried to enter into a romantic relationship. This put a very stressful strain my relationship the ex for quite a while. That's another issue that I have with the Borg. It seems there's way too much outside interference when it comes to relationships.
Why does it seem that young persons my age can't have friendships with ones of the opposite sex but older ones can? There are many friendships like these in my congregation, as well as many others i'm familiar with.
i used to start looking at the clock behind me, look at my watch, look at the speaker or person handling the part and give obvious facial expressions expressing my dissatisfaction.
it was a pet peeve of mine!
a few times when i had the last part in a service meeting, i'd say, rather sternly,"this originally was a 15 minute part but because we are running out of time, we will dispense with (whatever).".
many times i left the meeting esp tms and service meeting, it was already long enough.
Purps, Be glad that you stopped attending meetings before brother car-make-name elder came to the congregation. If he had the last part on the meeting it was a guarantee that the meeting was going over by at least 15 minutes.