Thanks for filling us in Hermano. This is definitely an Assembly i'll be skipping.
Posts by R.F.
At the Specail Assambly Day
by Hermano ini'm at the special assambly day entitled, jehovah is our potter we are the clay.
interesting day.
there was a talk in the morning session which included the news media as one of the tools that satan uses to mislead us.
Trying to date in the organization...gossipers ruining relationships
by B_Deserter injehovah's witnesses are some of the worst gossipers i've ever encountered, especially when it comes to the dating habits of those in the congregation.
but, that's not really a surprise to most of us.
this story, however, makes me just shake my head and wonder why this guy doesn't question stuff.. there's a sister in my brother's hall that recently got a divorce.
Ahh... the wonderful adventures of JW dating.
I firmly believe that many JWs can't handle the boredom with their lives so the must concoct fake stories to keep themselves entertained.
This was very much the person when I was in a relationship with someone in the Organization. Since we were both very young everyone wanted us to hurry and get married before we "messed up". Since we took our time everyone was on our case all the time, and the rumors swirled like the wind. It was so bad to the point that it caused the both of us to allow paronoia to run rampant. We were always watching our backs, making sure we did every little thing the "right way" so that no one could possibly get the wrong idea. That still didn't work. That's why I don't even call it "dating" when it comes to JWs.
The Rumor Mill Never Stops
by R.F. instopping in here.. when i was an active dub i was always looking over my shoulder, making sure i was doing things "correctly"....and by "correctly" i mean by jw standards.
i'm referring mainly to when it came to dating and courtship.
someone always seemed to be investigating us, hounding us so to speak.
Yeah Gopher you're right. And to think that I used to be very much stressed about what they think. I almost went crazy!
OTOWO...I thought about telling her that but decided against it. Knowing her like I do, if I were to tell her that then within a week i'd be hearing that i'm a full-blown apostate lol!
JK, i'd hate to imagine what those rumors were!!
The Rumor Mill Never Stops
by R.F. instopping in here.. when i was an active dub i was always looking over my shoulder, making sure i was doing things "correctly"....and by "correctly" i mean by jw standards.
i'm referring mainly to when it came to dating and courtship.
someone always seemed to be investigating us, hounding us so to speak.
Great comeback Uzzah!
I think that the Dub's lives are so uneventful that they make up these rumors for entertainment purposes.
Wow Snakes. You can't share in wholesome
slave worktheocratic activities with someone of the opposite sex with someone thinking that you must be an item. It's like in Dubland that guy/girl friendships can't exist. -
The Rumor Mill Never Stops
by R.F. instopping in here.. when i was an active dub i was always looking over my shoulder, making sure i was doing things "correctly"....and by "correctly" i mean by jw standards.
i'm referring mainly to when it came to dating and courtship.
someone always seemed to be investigating us, hounding us so to speak.
Hello all, R.F. stopping in here.
When I was an active Dub I was always looking over my shoulder, making sure I was doing things "correctly"....and by "correctly" I mean by JW standards. I'm referring mainly to when it came to dating and courtship. Someone always seemed to be investigating us, hounding us so to speak. I couldn't do anything without being worried about "what the friends will think". This was especially the case since I was an MS and Pioneer.
I ran in to a "sister" today while running errands. Actually, I was running into Dubs all over the place today. She's one of the biggest gossipers in the congregation and I wouldn't confide in her for ANYTHING unless I wanted everyone to know. So she goes on to ask me about why my relationship ended with my ex...*she got NO info from me*. Then she went on the ask why I haven't been to meetings....*still no info from me*. Then she goes on to say that she really knows the reason why, and it's because my ex is there in the congregation.
Now this is the thing that floored me.......
.......then she went on to tell me that other congregation members thought I was living with a woman.
Ok so i'm completely astounded by this since, for one, it isn't true, second I don't see how anyone could possibly come to that conclusion since i've laid low since I began fading and haven't done anything that could make somebody even think that it was a possibility. This particular "sister" said she's been so concerned about me...yet i've received NO CALLS from her, and she has my phone number at that.
It seems like I hear more rumors about me now than actual concern, and none of it is true. I guess i'm the new hot topic on the continously spinning rumor mill lol! This only really helps me to see that i'm just causing myself alot of unneccessary concern and stress by being so concerned with what they think. It looks like they're making up stories anyway.
I found it funny also that this happened after I ran into an old acquaintence today also. He and I used to work together and he's a very nice guy, and we have the same personality type. It seemed that he really pursued a friendship but unfortunately I pushed him away since, according to the WTS, he's a "bad association". So he and I might hang out sometime this weekend if I don't go out of town. Do I care of Dubs see me hanging out with a "worldly person" now? I defintely don't care now!!!
Thanks everyone! Just wanting to keep you all informed.
The End of Jehovah`s Witness`s
by OUTLAW inwe see alot of topics on the board about the end of the wbt$..i don`t think that will happen in our change our focus..kingdom halls are getting fewer and fewer jw`s in them..congregations are being dissolved and kingdom halls are sold off..many jw`s are very unhappy and we see alot of them on this board.....the wbt$ is a billion dollar organization,they will survive for along time to about the jehovah`s witness`s?.......with fewer and fewer members..information about the wbt$ on the internet..and..some very depressed jehovah`s witness`s looking for a way out of the cult they are in.....will the "jehovah`s witness`s" survive?...outlaw
I really hope the Organization continues on the path it is on. They are pushing it's members out themselves with their tactics. Just look at the result here....on this very website. I also can't imagine how many lurkers there must be here, and others out there that have those doubts they are trying to suppress but just can't.
I think that over time many will build the courage to just give the religion up, no matter what the consequences are. Others will come out because of education about the Organization that comes from sites like these.
As long as things keep going the way they are, the religion will have less and less influence as it does now.
Do you think that JW's will ever get rid of the "1914" doctrine?
by booker-t inwith the year 2014 only 7 years away what are jw's leaders going to say if armaggeddon is not here by then?
how many more changes will have to take place in order for them to keep jw's loyal to the wt society?
my mom just celebrated her 78th birthday on sept 9 and she got baptized in 1967 believing armaggeddon was coming in 1975. i just cry when i think of the elderly jw's that gave their whole lives for the wt believing that armaggeddon was around the corner.
They can't change it. That is, they can't change it without changing other doctrines as well.
The 1914 date is everything to the JW religion. If that date is blown, then you must also call into question the 1918/FDS appointment doctrine, which I truly believe the GB just isn't willing to do.
So what can they do? I think they will do as AK-Jeff said....possibly bury the doctrine. I believe they will eventually keep it out of the publications altogether and find some way to dance around the issue.
I also believe it was Arthur who made a post recently about keeping on the lookout of the WTS identifying the "King of the North". I too believe this and think they will busy the oyal R&F's minds with things such as those to the point that 1914 becomes another 1975....totally looked over.
Guys: How do you show your interest?
by serendipity inguys, when you are trying to woo a woman, in the early days before you get physically intimate, how do you show your interest in her?
Nvr summed it up pretty well.
Overall though, just being straight up and honest to the point that they'd have no doubt in their mind that there is an interest.
Recording of my call to Brooklyn Service Desk...
by deaconbluez inin what i'm hoping to do as a series for the benefit of all who want to know the truth behind the organization, here is a recorded phone call that i made about an hour ago.
it is unedited, therefore you will notice the long gaps when the guy starts searching for an answer to my question.
Interestingly, we have a "News Talk" station in our cluster here, and I am in talks with management about doing a 1-hour show on weekends that has to do with exposing the WT. In order to get it approved, I will probably have to go with a broader approach, and NOT just target the Watchtower, but that's a small price to pay. I'm looking forward to see how that pans out.
Thanks for the link, and that possible show sounds awesome! Keep us posted on how that goes.
Where were you when the planes hit?
by coolhandluke init f*cks me off that this happened only a few years ago but no one in my office has yet to even mention it.
it was such a pivotal event:.
i was driving from fontana to chino in california dressed in service clothes.
I was in my senior year of high school in my calculus class. That was the first class of the morning. I heard one guy in the corridors before classes even started mention something about a plane hitting a building in New York. He was a bit of a jokester so I thought he was kidding, but after class started a student told our teacher to turn the tv on and there it was.....the both World Trade Center towers up in smoke, then they showed the Pentagon. It was unreal. We didn't even, well, COULDN'T do any class work that day.