JoinedTopics Started by finnrot
What is the deal with the "this is the last memorial" comments from my JW?
by jambon1 inthe guy i know was saying this the other day.. "it's been suggested this may be the last one", or words to that effect.. where & by whom?.
is this doing the rounds?.
by finnrot inwith these new disasters going on around the world, i would imagine that the jw's are going ape shit with the thought of death and destruction right around the corner.
i was smart enough to leave this cult after 1975 came and went with a whimper.
i was in my teens at the time and i vividly remember to this day the excitement all the witlesses had with the knowledge that '75 was going to be the year of armageddon!!!
by finnrot ini was raised a jehovahs witness from birth, but even as a little child i had my doubts.
that's why i was never baptized.
i believed in jehovah but i just thought it was somehow a load of bullshit.
Cola at the District Convention
by lepermessiah inremember some of the garbage served at the district conventions?.
i was at the dollar store today and noticed they started carrying "shasta" cola.. i started laughing because they used to serve that skunk water at the district conventions when i was a kid.. they always brought in the cheapest, nastiest soda they could buy.. one year we had something called vess cola - that was actually worse than the shasta!
then, they ran out on sunday and had to buy pepsi from the local distributor - we were all rejoicing!!.
Analysis of a Time Consuming System: Shocking Numbers about JWs
by drew sagan inweekly meetings .
book study: 1 hour .
meetings for field service: 15 minutes (13 hours per year) .
Looking to hear your Service horror stories.
by Stealth453 inmine.... i was about 10 years old, working with one of the pioneers in our hall, and we came across a gentleman that screamed obcenities at us and threatened to kill us unless we left his porch.
i wet my pants.
the pioneer i was with told me that i was a 'weak little witness that brought shame to jehovah for wetting my pants,' and that my punishment would be finishing out the morning's service with wet, piss stained pants.. it was february in toronto.
by finnrot inbelieve it or not kiddies, lisa (ldh) and i have been on this website when you were still growing your baby teeth.
i have brought up this subject many years ago, so i will resurrect it again.
when i was a kid, i used to look at my green bible as i sat totally bored in the kingdom hall and looked at the cool donosaurs on the inside cover of the green bible.
Que, Sara, Sara
by finnrot ini seem to remember when i was a kid that the innocent song que, sara, sara song sung by doris day was considered evil.
i was a kid in the 1960's and i remembered that i thought that song was cool.
but i seem to remember that it was hated by the witnesses.