I notice the younger members weren't so scared shitless as old farts... I guess they have toned down their demonic scare stories...At the time I was raised a Witness during the 60's and the early 70's, they were sure that Armageddon was just months or even days away. If you don't beleive that, then you didn't live it.
When I was growing up in the Kindom Hall in the 60's there was an excited buzz going on, that Armageddon was going to happen any second. I remember hearing as a child, that if Armageddon happened while you were doing something bad, or were even thinking something impure, you would just be wiped out of existence. Not tortured, just that you would never have existed. To a little kid, that was devastating!!
So I think that the people that are over 40 can relate to the scared little child that was me, and the younger people can't quite relate. I'm sure that you were and are screwed up just like me, but us older generation have our own little space of screwed upness..
I am 45 years old and i just can't relate to my fellow man. As much as I want to belong, I just don't seem to quite fit in. I'm a great guy, and the sweetest fellow you ever want to meet, but I am always the odd man out. I hate it, but that's just the way it is. I just can't relate to normal people that were raised in a normal social situation.
As an example. I had to sit down during the flag salute every morning. Talk about starting off your socialization with your peers as the geek who sits down during the flag salute!!!. Kids are cruel, and they will focous on the weakest, and the the geek that stands out in the crowd.
When everybody in class was singing Christmas Carols in the cafeteria, I was the only loser that was sitting all alone in his empty class because Jehovah didn't want me to participate.
Things might be different now for the J.W. children growing up, but when I was growing up, it was demons to the left and demons to the right. I was just a young stupid kid that believed all the stupid scary fables that I was made to listen to three times a week at those long boring meetings.
The funny thing was, that I never got baptised. Even as a kid, I always had the niggling feeling that this was all bullshit. I was still scared shitless of demons, but I had the feeling in the back of my mind that this was all bullshit, and that we just lived and died and the worms just ate us when all was said and done.
Now that I am an adult, I still fear Jehovah (I will always fear Him) , but I am sure that we just live and die and that the worms just eat us when all is said and done.