They should also have the right to accept the full consequences of their actions. Once you start disrupting critical infrastructure and traffic, you are effectively asking for war. And those doing this can accept the reality of spending time in jail if they block access to critical infrastructure in the name of protest.
There are better ways to protest. One is via online petitions, which seem to gather hundreds of thousands of signatures in a short period, if they are well founded. One can also march in places where traffic can see them, with signs protesting what they want changed. The goal is not to block traffic, but to ensure people can see the message.
Once you start interfering with traffic, and especially blocking such as freeways and hospital emergency entrances, you are dealing with stupidity. You lose effectiveness because those at the rear of such traffic jams do not see why they are blocked off. (Note that having drivers driving across all lanes of a freeway doing the speed limit is a good way to protest a stupidly low speed limit, if it comes to that--it highlights that speed limits should be raised.) Standing in the middle of the freeway, however, is a good way to get hit by cars or to be arrested for blocking traffic.
Beyond that, acts that qualify as riots are effectively acts of war. You want war? Fine, go for it. Just prepare to accept that you may lose such war, and if you are fighting for evil, your punishment should be especially severe. I hope those violently fighting to force Biden and Harris, or Pelosi, into office when Trump wins the election all face especially harsh punishments for such. You don't want Trump? Fine, don't vote him in. Vote someone else, or run yourself. If you try a coup, prepare for war. And prepare to lose said war, and prepare for harsh punishments including the death penalty when you lose.