This thing that they call "jesus" is nothing more than the archetype of the perfect slave. Follow that, and you become a perfect slave. Nothing more, nothing less. This hyper-abomination provided no ransom, no real guidance, no nothing in the form of salvation.
JoinedPosts by WTWizard
What evidence is there for a biblical jesus?
by Touchofgrey inis there any independently verified evidence that a miracle worker called jesus existed and did the things that the bible said he did?.
the four gospels were written by unknown authors many decades after the so called events, so can't be considered as eyewitness accounts.
i think that there may have been a apocalyptic preacher who was executed by the romans and the story evolved from their.
Half hearted JWs compared to past generations
by JohnR1975 inis it just me or has there been a massive change in jws of late?.
when i grew up in the cult they had a real sense of urgency and would do an hour minimum, these days it’s not even ten mins before coffee break.. same goes for everything else, it’s half hearted .
Once upon a time, one would try pushing the religion when there was something to push. I remember getting into debates with Pentecostals and born-agains, and while I never got them to change their religions, it was seen more as a waste of time than anything else. These days, anyone that deviates from washtowel doctrine is seemed as a danger. They run away from anyone that is a nominal cat lick, instead of trying to reason with them.
And that was back in the early and mid 2000s. I assume it has gotten even worse since they got shut down for the wimpiest "disease" on the planet. They can't even handle a cat lick, let alone something as challenging as a Pentecostal (I have contacted several of those in the late 1980s). Nor can they handle a little coronavirus, let alone something like the tuberculosis I had to risk going door to door during the late 1980s and early 1990s (not to mention the cancer sticks going on in the houses). They have become such wusses on these things--and that was even before I quit the jokehovians.
How would you rate the Watchtower approved songs?
by Vanderhoven7 ini was asking why jws won't sing any church hymns even if they were doctrinally correct.
jws asked me in response if i would sing any of their songs.. dan watkins wrote .
its a hilarious misunderstanding, if it does not come from the watchtower bible and tract society, then it is effectively considered as coming from satan.
The smut they call "music" are effectively cult chants. This is fairly common in cults--and they dissuade people from listening to outside music (or for that matter, anything that comes from without). In the jokehovian witless cult, you will lose "privileges(??)" if you are caught listening to rap or heavy metal, and they have criteria that make other songs "bad". I have seen older rags from the 1970s and early '80s bashing funk, disco, and plain rock music as evil.
This is quite common in cults to restrict what you are allowed to listen to. But, as bad as the jokehovians are, I have heard of other cults that are even worse. Take a small cult called "the children of God". I have seen videos on that cult, and it is, believe it or not, even worse than the jokehovians in many aspects. They have a fast rule that one may not listen to "systemite" music, which leaves them only their own cult chants to listen to. And they cannot watch TV or movies (the jokehovians allow up to PG-13). They also do not take drugs of any kind (including aspirin for a headache) or even vitamins. Nor are they allowed to read anything not provided by the cult--so much for learning that foreign language).
Which doesn't make the jokehovian cult any better. Only that one can end up jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire if one is too hasty to join another religion.
Worldwide Benefits ( USELESSNESS ) of Cart Witnessing
by RULES & REGULATIONS inlibrary.
meeting workbooks.
life and ministry meeting workbook | november 2018. .
I have about as much use for those rags as for a bag of Doritos or a pack of cancer sticks. And I would treat those carts as I would for one of those other useless products--let them waste their time and energy pushing that littera-trash. As for the benefits, about all it does is allows those tubs of lard to pious-sneer without so much as getting a single step of exercise, and you don't even get to exercise what little of your brain is left between being ruined by the Doritos and corrupted by the cult.
Awake 1976 - Should a Pocket Calculator Be in Your Pocket?
by Ron.W. inawake 1976 - should a pocket calculator be in your pocket?.
somehow this totally zany 'bible based' article passed me by first time around!.
anyone remember it?.
This sounds typical of the washtowel, and other cults. Begrudge people the few minutes it takes to operate a calculator and that it might become a "toy" while people are learning to work with numbers. And the prices were coming down--by 1975, calculators in the 30 toilet paper range were coming out, and I had a scientific calculator in 1976 that was in the mid 40s. While prices would be more today, these days prices of calculators have fallen to where they are just about giving them away.
Or do they really want life to be a complete drudgery? And this was right after the fiasco of the 1975 end of this system. Also, if you didn't use a calculator, what about the slide rules they replace? One could just as easily play with one of those things, "wasting" as much time while becoming better with adding and multiplying, and working with exponents, at the same time. And given the choice, I think learning to work a slide rule is actually harder than a calculator. Beyond that, just look at how much a decent slide rule costs these days.
Re-activate me?
by punkofnice inthere was a knock at my door and i thought it was my take-away being delivered.. long story short, it was 2 elders calling to see me.
i guess to re-activate me.
once they said who they were i recognised them.
I wonder how many, in North America, would understand it if you tell them, in German, that you are an apostate and do not wish to become a jokehovian witless again. In most areas here, few people understand German and especially among the jokehovians that will not spend field circus time learning this language.
Big News: August English Watchtower released on servers
by ukpimo inbig news.
just in from a friend who is fading.. disfellowshipping will no longer be a term used by jws.
study article 35, paragraph 4 footnote says this:.
Disfellowshipping? Removing? Same thing. No different than what other cults, and religions, call excommunication. They might have watered down the shunning, at least in some cases (not for those who are "apostates" or simply want out of a bad marriage), but there is still the same threat of everlasting destruction. And how long before they are going to puke even that gain back up, at least on a local or regional basis?
SEPTEMBER 2024 Study Watchtower - Warnings for JW's!
by BoogerMan inwhat warnings are the cult giving the "sheeple?".
in the study article on page 20 - "are you heeding the warnings?
", jw's are threatened what their fate will be if they don't support the elite, "anointed" jw's, the 33 degree aka, the self-appointed gibbering body - they will be toast very soon:.
I will not support cults that waste people's time and resources, or that demand one to give them all their money. And any god that is a lowlife scumbag enough to adversely judge someone for not wasting their potential or losing all their personal property to support this thing does not deserve my worship. Since when does god have the right to demand all my money and/or time, and throw a temper tantrum when I am not willing to surrender?
The Memorial and my thoughts.
by Truth and Justice inno matter what opinions you may have, the memorial is very important to us.
many are opposed to the way the organization performs the memorial because of restrictive rules as to who should partake.
as jesus said in scripture, "keep doing this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
I would rather worship the sun (and the moon) by participating in the greater Memorial--the eclipse. With a decent pair of eclipse glasses, one can watch the total eclipse (if you are in the path) or a partial one if you are near. Plus there is a lunar eclipse tonight. Hey, if they hate when I worship the sun by celebrating Christmas, I wonder what they are going to do when I worship both the sun and the moon. And no, I will not be going to worship that beady-eyed monster thing.
New rules for dress & greeting disfellowshipped: It's even worse!
by neat blue dog ini know they're panicking and trying to gain favor with governments, former members, prospective converts & those who are teetering, all for financial worries.
still, the latest update in some ways made things worse, and if there's any jws watching it who are beginning to wake up it should be very disturbing.. starting with dress codes: they say that suits, ties & skirts are no longer required, but in so doing they admit that they were required, something not often appearing as an explicit command in print.
(similar to how lett referred to the "policy on beards" in his video, even though this direct policy wasn't made available to rank and file.
It won't do a bit of good if you have hounders in the congregation that insist on wearing the classic suit, especially if they are picky about the color of your shirt or where you take it to be cleaned. And what if you have a small group that claims to be "stumbled" by someone wearing a nice Oxford shirt and matching pants (not suit clothes) with no tie, or a "sister" wearing nice business quality slacks in field circus or at a boasting session? They report being "stumbled" to the hounders, and before long you have that talk about not "stumbling" others. Even though the washtowel itself allows these items to be worn, you don't actually have the right if just one person is "stumbled".