The flu never want anywhere. It's just that, when anyone gets the flu, they simply call it coronavirus. The media counts it as coronavirus, not the flu--and that adds to the call for MANDATORY coronavirus vaccines that kill and maim more than the virus itself (including the flu itself).
As for me, the same quercetin and zinc that throttles coronavirus also throttles the flu. I simply take normal precautions against these (which are also effective against the likes of hepatitis C and tuberculosis, which are way worse than coronavirus). After the first couple months, I started being more careless (on purpose) on the coronavirus, so I could get slow and controlled exposure while continuing my quercetin. (And expose myself to whatever flu and cold viruses are still out there, so I don't suddenly get a bad cold or flu once this ends).
And no, I will not take my coronavirus shot until it becomes absolutely mandatory (they round you up and forcibly inject you with it if you don't get it). Not only is it a complete waste of time and money (yes, someone has to pay for it, even if I don't pay out of pocket), but it has been priming people up for super coronavirus. The vaccine doesn't work against super coronavirus, but it makes it worse. Not to mention the allergies, heart and kidney diseases, type 1 diabetes, severe arthritis, and cancers that the vaccines will set you up for. All of which are way worse than the little tiny cold called Covid-19.