They don't take care of themselves, instead relying on that rubbish that bodily training is only good for a little. Eating too much is only part of the problem. Most of them get limited exercise, sleep way too little, and have so many toxins from their dry cleaning fumes and McDonalds "food(??)". That not only makes them tubs of lard, but very sick even for their weight.
And I can only wonder what will happen once they start going back to in-person boasting sessions, with mandatory vaccinations in order to do that. I wonder how much suffering they will endure from that and still not cut back on field circus. Not to mention all the calls on those who were inactive at the start of the whole thing or that made few or no Zoom boasting sessions. (Who are probably in better general health than those who remained active jokehovian witlesses.)
And yes, my congregation had its share of tubs of lard. Not that they were particularly fat, but I had one that was quite fat and willfully oblivious to the consequences of eating too much butter. This thing loaded some corn up with butter, and tried to stop me from reading the calorie count of each additional spoonful of butter (the fake stuff, worse for your health than real butter, had 60 calories per tablespoon plus trans fats, where butter has around 120.) And no taking vitamins--I wonder how many got coronavirus real bad, or will get very sick due to the vaccines, and are not taking even a single vitamin D, zinc, or quercetin tablet.