Ask me anything you want. And BTW, 144,000 would be Kings and Preists residing in heaven (Rev. 14:3,4 see also ). Jehovah has established a government that will usher in that new earth in which righteousness will dwell. It's that same knigdom that most members of christendom pray for, "our Father who art in heaven let thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven." (Matt. 6:10). Seeing how most countries have a governmental structure, it isn't far-fetched that Jehovah would use a similar structure during Christs' thousand year reign. The rest of obedient mankind as well as those ressurected ones that never had a chance to learn of Jehovah's righteous standards would eventually grow to perfection like our first parents Adam and Eve (Rev. 7:9). The way Jehovah originally intended for mankind and for the earth (Gen 1:28, Ps. 104:5). Jesus, along with the 144K would open up new scrolls for these individuals to live by and would also rid the earth of those who willfully chose to disobey those laws (Ps. 37:11 and Rev. 21:1-4) . So, the 144k are NOT the only ones that will receive "salvation". This erroneous belief of JWs is usually spewed and regurgitated by those who haven't really took the time to talk to a mature JW. I could walk into a nursing home and pick out a senile catholic, ask her a bunch of questions, and draw my own conclusions about ALL catholics. Perhaps your questions are sincere. But, why ask them to a person that is studying and then post the unsuspecting persons comments on here for fodder?