Frankie, what is it with you and George Bush and the military? Did Georgey boy come round your house with a general friend and beat up on your family? Every thread you start is completely pre-occupied with one or the other.
If Bush launched an un-provoked attack on Iran with Nuclear weapons........yes he should be tried, but I think you're clutching at straws thinking something like that will ever happen.
What you have to remember is the American people voted that fool in democratically. He leads America because the American people asked him to. He's never done anything unlawfully. Every action he takes or order he gives, first has to get approval from the elected senate and congress. Even the war in Iraq was done with the full backing of a UN mandate, and the troops are still there at the request of the democratically elected Iraqi government. It may all look a bit suspect, but technically he's done everything within the law and is almost 100% certain to continue operating within the law.
You've obviously got a personal gripe with el presidente, but your question seems to be more about trying to make your point that you hate Mr Bush rather than a genuinely constructive question. I get the impression you only want one answer.....YES!!!!
Here are some more erroneous questions:
Should Nelson Mandela be tried as a criminal if he ever walks into a primary school and starts butchering 3 year olds any time in the future?
Should members of Green Peace be tried as criminals if one day in the future they decide saving the earth isn't for them anymore and they destroy every oil tanker and refinery on the planet, spilling vast amounts of oil and kill the entire life of the sea?
Should the Queen of England be tried as a criminal if one day whilst meeting smiling crowds, she accepts a bunch of flowers from a well wisher and then proceeds to decapitate said well wisher with a large machete she was concealing in her hat?
Ridiculous questions that clearly have only one answer, but are pointless because the events will never happen.
Frankie, leave George Bush alone. Pleeeeeaaase!!!