Topics Started by py
Let's assign a number to the Great Crowd!
by Nathan Natas ina great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne..." -- revelation 7:9. .
from studies in the scriptures, volume 7, the finished mystery: .
the math is indisputable: 144,000 "priests" x 2,860 levites per priest = 411,840,000 "levites.
Jehovah's Witnesses-Myths & Realities
by Tatiana in
did anyone post this page from the pbs site?
at least something on the site is trying to tell part of the truth.
Parthogenesis: How do creationists explain this?
by Crumpet ini read this article in the paper on the train to work this morning (helped to keep me eyes of ladies feet and ankles) and was amazed as i never knew this before..
certain species can actually get pregnant and give birth without any make interaction.
if this doesnt support evolution as the most scientifically accountable theory of our existence what does?!.
If Creationism is true explain races.
by DeViL DriVeR 76 inso the bible speaks of how multiple languages came to be in babylon with the tower of babel, you all know the story.
ok so thats the bibles view on languages but what about races?
how are some people light skin others dark?