Terry, so sorry to hear that you're ill,please get better soon. You are one great writer........enjoy your posts alot.
terry was admitted to the hospital yesterday.
he has a severe case of cellulites which has affected his neck glands.
his face and neck are very swollen.
Terry, so sorry to hear that you're ill,please get better soon. You are one great writer........enjoy your posts alot.
under the wheels of a train.... .
i feel really bad.... i don't want to be in the cult anymore.... .
i was thinking about that whole meeting today.... .
Quandry said:
"We are rooting for you!"
Titus, I don't know what rooting means in your native tongue but
you should see what it means in Australian. I just found out, It's
funny. Thanks QUANDRY.
i think i may have reached another crossroads.
the most tolerant woman in the world and i were discussing it last night.
i've seen my loss of faith like a relationship breakup, i've done the gut wrenching fear bit and i've been heavily invested in the anger and angst phase where i've sought out people who believed as strongly as i once did and challenged them (like an ex-lover calling up for a shouting match.
Qcmbr, I have enjoyed reading your intelligent posts,sorry to hear you're
leaving. You would have made a good X-JW. Good luck to you and hope to
hear from you in the future.
i'm sure texas isn't much different from any other state.. we want clean air.
so, the auto manufacturers came up with a glorified box of charcoal that "filters" out the pollutants (simultaneously making the energy output less efficient requiring yet more fuel) called a catalytic converter.. most cars' converter lasts about 10 years.. .
i'm driving a honda accord from 1998. the coverter has given up the ghost and i don't pass the nox tests.. so.... i can't renew my registration and have to spend about $1700 to replace that stupid box of charcoal.. .
Terry, google:
"replacing catalytic converter on 1998 honda accord"
without quotes. Also, I think used CAT'S might be illegal.
So what is the conclusion on the matter, is slavery still "tolerated" by
God or has He issued "new light" on the matter? There are people who
even now own slaves, usually child relatives, is this biblically okay?
Can it be clearly stated that the bible now unequivocally condemns slavery?
part 1 - my parents.
it's a funny thing, time.
notwithstanding einstein's relativity, time means vastly different things throughout life.
Yeah, thanks for sharing, Farkel.
Tell us more whenever you've a mind to, please.
i've already written "my story".
i've been "out" for 35 years.
but that is not a story that contains the little stuff.
Yes, absolutely!
this was great!!!.
Made my day, thanks.
provenance: the history of ownership of a work of art; the copy history of a piece of data, or the intermediate pieces of data utilized to compute a final data element.
a chain of custody, ownership and certificate of authenticity.
there was once a greek fellow we call euclid.
I read and enjoy your posts, Terry. I like to witness a good, honest debate whence good information
can be derived from. In order to evince more info out of you one has to challange your argument. It's
difficult to argue against reaon and logic, and faith VS. reason and logic make very poor debating
contestants. If you don't have faith you'll never believe, you know, when "you walk by faith", etc.
People of faith can prove nothing about their faith for if they did, it would not be faith anymore, it would
be fact.
To believe the Bible is "the" word of God one must abandon reality and just have "true faith."
Or the Kuran, the Book of Mormon, etc.. People are literally blowing themselves up because of
and in the name of their faith. You cannot convince them, they will never convince you. I
believe reality exists, but a question for you: does faith, as in "walk by faith" alone, exist in your life?
Thanks and keep posting.
i recently watched this swedish film and i was very impressed.
it's a murdery mystery/thriller for a mature audience.. .
david fincher is going to direct an english-language remake starring daniel craig.
I watched the movie on DVD, kept me keenly interested till the end.
One thing: I personally could not bring myself to watch that movie
in the presence of my children, even though they are grown and married.
But that's just me; Just a warning.