...But if you don't love him back, you're screwed
Reads like a Jay Leno punchline, funny. lol
interesting read.. .
god hates you; but god is hungry and needs you to help him eat your soul.
he chuckles to himself that he cannot only suck out your life and being, but he can make you believe the lie as well.
...But if you don't love him back, you're screwed
Reads like a Jay Leno punchline, funny. lol
interesting read.. .
god hates you; but god is hungry and needs you to help him eat your soul.
he chuckles to himself that he cannot only suck out your life and being, but he can make you believe the lie as well.
Does God exact more than this?
Good Question. Can anyone here say exactly what price must WE pay to reach "paradise?"
The evildoer that was hanging by Christs' side at Calvary, that criminal that deserved what he was
getting, what was exacted (required) of him for him to receive that blessing from Christ,"Verily I say
unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise?" (Luke 23:43). How many hrs. did he spend in FS?
How many BS did he conduct with persons of GW? What did he do, what was exacted of him?
Whatever he did, he (the evildoer) had the answer. IMO.
Oh yeah, He does love us.
interesting read.. .
god hates you; but god is hungry and needs you to help him eat your soul.
he chuckles to himself that he cannot only suck out your life and being, but he can make you believe the lie as well.
Putting all the "holy writings" aside, if a god made this planet, wouldn't looking around at this
planet tell us something of it's creator? But mind you that, if you put your thoughts on the matter
down in writing, are you not creating a "bible" that others may read,quote, and believe? I do
believe this planet says much for whoever,or whatever, created it, without relying on something
some person wrote. If this Creator exists, respect is due. Just my thoughts.
WORTHY (I will never ever feel unworthy again)
can't explain this one.. right in the middle of my shift i became disassociative.. my brain locked and i threw my hands up and kept repeating, "i can't do this!
i can't take this!
right out the front door of the bookstore.. i wasn't angry.
Terry, so sorry to hear you are going through a troubling time. I hope all turns out well for you.
A while back, on another thread, you said something to the effect that you had a god-size hole in the
middle of your being, something like that. Terry, I don't know exactly what you meant by that, only you
know. That statement says alot about your existence. I think if one is going around with a big "hole" in
the middle of his being, for whatever reason, one is burdened with a heavy load. Good fortune to you and yours as you
battle this malady.
i hope it worked.
my intent with the title of this thread was to attract both believers and non-believers.
whenever a thread appears promoting the wonders of jesus, it will inevitably develop into a back and forth discussion ad nauseam.. i was born into a family that believed there was a god, he had a son jesus and his word was the bible.
Eliveleth, you asked:
Were you a JW?
Yes; baptised in 1957 at the age of 11. Was a school servant until the elder arrangement came about at which time I was appointed as
an elder in a spanish language cong. Later I attended English languge cong. for my kids benefit, was appointed elder there. Later, went back
to spanish language cong. and was an elder there. Was a PO in both congs. and I can tell you, there is no special power or authority with that
position, you're just a bigger target.
Wife and I quit in 1989. We have been living a quiet and wonderful life. We quit because there is a lot of envy and jealousy there and because
it seems like they're all spying on one another, ready to turn you in. My wife used to get so angry when I would tell her that a the elder meeting
it was brought to my attention that one of my kids was seen singing thanksgiving (or other holiday) songs in school. That used to burn her up.
She would say,"these nosy people ought to mind their own children and business and leave my family be, we don't go around snitching on other
peoples kids, or tell our kids to spy on other witness kids! " She was baptised at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena in 1963. We married in 1964 (so young
and naive) but we're still together. She's my best friend. She knows everything there is to know about me and vice-versa.
We just quit and we told all to leave us in peace, alone. We don't bother anyone and we don't want anyone bothering us. We are in peaceful
terms with everyone and they are friendly and respectful with us. Once in while, one will ask when we're coming back. There would have to
be some big,big changes for me to even consider it.
I'm just learning how to get around a computer. I think it's gonna give me ulcers, it makes me so angry. Just kidding about the ulcers,life is
too good for that.
i hope it worked.
my intent with the title of this thread was to attract both believers and non-believers.
whenever a thread appears promoting the wonders of jesus, it will inevitably develop into a back and forth discussion ad nauseam.. i was born into a family that believed there was a god, he had a son jesus and his word was the bible.
Eliveleth wrote:
It gives me a reason
to get up in the morning
when I am in pain.
To not give up when
I see so much unkindness
and injustice in the world.
When I reach the end of my life and
find there is no afterlife
(but if there is none then I will never know)
I have changed nothing.
I will have lived my life
the way I believed was right.
I have loved
and have been loved.
Is there any more to this life than that?
To reach the end and be content
with everything you have done.
To have no regrets
What if I am wrong?
What have I lost by believing ...
A person can have "facts"
presented to them,
I challenge you to ask and find out,
What have you got to lose?
What have you got to lose?
Elileveth, I think you're a poet. Please forgive me for taking such liberty with the
lovely words (Prose, I call it) you wrote. And I agree with you, a person can
be a sincere,dedicated scientist,believe or at least confide in the evidence, and still
search for the cause of it all. You believe in Jesus, others have a different believe,
so what? Like you said, what have you got to lose? Whose stomach is upset because
of what I believe? I hope nobody. And yet,people hate,even kill because of others beliefs.
Pity. Who is the loser, the hater or the hated?
i hope it worked.
my intent with the title of this thread was to attract both believers and non-believers.
whenever a thread appears promoting the wonders of jesus, it will inevitably develop into a back and forth discussion ad nauseam.. i was born into a family that believed there was a god, he had a son jesus and his word was the bible.
OTOH, Highbiscuitsonfire is rather alienating in her delivery
I must admit that I get a lot of laughs reading her posts. She always has an answer.
As for me, I think this site has confirmed my secret and disturbing naggings that the
Bible is not infallible truth. The agnostics and atheists on this site have much reason,
logic and current science on their side and I learn much from their statements and
rhetorical questions that make me think. However, I can't bring myself to believe that
this beautiful planet we inhabit came about without an intelligent and caring Creator.
I need to know who or what made all the atoms (or quarks) in the universe.
i am interested to know what you know about jesus and what you really think of his teachings.. the bible says there is only one way to heaven.. jesus said: "i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father but by me.
" (john 14:6) .
the lord jesus was crucified and shed his precious blood to wipe away our sins (revelation 1:5).
I have to admire the way you keep getting knocked down and you just keep
getting up for more. FIRE!....HibiscusFIRE!
I'm not sure ignorance should be praised
I didn't call anyone ignorant nor did I praise anyone's ignorance. I was admiring Hibie's pugnacity.
Not until there's more reason to believe in Jesus than there is to believe in monsters in my mashed potato, no. I won't accept them into my heart either. My stomach maybe.I really don't believe anybody's gonna come forward and accept Jesus into
their hearts on this thread.
I think we're in agreement here.
i am interested to know what you know about jesus and what you really think of his teachings.. the bible says there is only one way to heaven.. jesus said: "i am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father but by me.
" (john 14:6) .
the lord jesus was crucified and shed his precious blood to wipe away our sins (revelation 1:5).
I have to admire the way you keep getting knocked down and you just keep
getting up for more. FIRE!....HibiscusFIRE!
I really don't believe anybody's gonna come forward and accept Jesus into
their hearts on this thread. I think the next time you go down, stay down.