Serotonin wraith,
I personally can't find fault with anything you've said. IMO, you're right, believers can't prove the existence of a god, a trinity of gods,
or a pantheon of gods,but you're arguing against people of FAITH. There's no argument against faith. Faith is not based on facts,
material objects,or even past or present events. Faith means believing in something that has no material or scientific proof. How can
you argue (help) someone like that? You can't because if you somehow manage to convince or convert that person then that person
never really had faith, you've accomplished nothing. I,personally, believe, and have faith, in a Creator because I just cannot believe
that the universe made itself.
I understand Stephen Hawkings is now theorizing that our universe was squeezed out, through a black hole, from an adjacent and
previously existent universe. Scientists,nobody,can answer my question. Therefore, I have faith accompanied by hope. Proof? None.
You well know that if I could introduce you to the Person which is God,then I would have NO NEED of faith, and neither would you.