So you found out the Jehovah's Witness religion/cult was bogus. Congratulations, it's a step in the right direction. Now all you have to do is escape the cult of Christianity.
While other Christian groups are (perhaps arguably) less controlling (on the whole), the foundation Christianity rests on is bogus too. People can leave the JWs because they see through it. Those who left Christianity itself simply took a bigger step back and saw the whole thing was questionable.
Consider the following- You may think it's disgusting that the JWs believe most of the humans alive now will die a horrible death soon. But at least with that idea the pain ends pretty quickly. If heaven and hell are real places, it means that most of the humans who have existed are now roasting for eternity in fire. Which is the better belief?
We all know it can be hard getting through to JWs, they've been well and truly brainwashed with lies. Now take a look in the mirror. You are living a lie too. A comforting one perhaps, but a lie nonetheless. Not every JW lives a bad life, but by being members they give power to those making the rules, and bad things can come from them. It's the same with Christianity.
We all wanted to know the real truth. Unfortunately, many here still don't see the real truth. The reality of our universe is still beyond the sight of Christians and people of other religions. You have not truly escaped at all.
Would you have remained a JW even if most of the world was a member? If not, don't just blindly accept Christianity because there are so many Christians. Wanting something to be true does not make it true.
Any reason you have for believing can be refuted, it's as simple as that. Once you see things from all sides, the only way you will remain Christian is if you want to believe in God. It's an extremely dishonest way to live. Isn't that the kind of thinking you feel holds back JWs from leaving when they hear things from our side too? Think about it.