Really sad.
JoinedPosts by kurtbethel
Being "stranded" by contrarian theology leads to diversionary beliefs
by Terry in1. christian puritan perfectionism in america (1620 to mid 1800's) failed to create heaven on earth or a shining city on a hill.
civil war dashed that delusion.. 2. the great awakening in america took up the slack only to be followed by advent speculations that the end would be immiment.. 3. william miller inspired a movement of adventists to break with their own local churches in anticipation of jesus' arrival.. 4. the work of the adventists seems to be warning as many people as possible before 1843. the splits in local churches caused lasting enmity.
a contrarian sense of "we'll show them we're right" is hardened into the character of newly minted apostates.. 5. the great disappointment leaves perhaps 100,000 2nd adventists stranded theologically between a no-show on jesus' part and a "we told you so!
Saturday Beach Cleanups
by designs ininstead of throwing on a suit and tie and knocking on doors at least one saturday morning a month is devoted to working with surfrider foundation and their beach cleanup programs or coastal keepers.
today the san diego chapter met in oceanside ca.
by the pier.
I live within sight of the San Luis Rey river, and I am curious about what the extension of highway 76 is doing to the river valley. It is being built in the floodplain and wildlife area from the old 1925 Bonsall bridge and east of there, so I know there has to be a lot of dislocation of a lot of habitat and wildlife in that area.
One good thing is north of there, huge sections of the Santa Margarita river are preserved and it is a great hiking area with lots of wild places. I have even seen beaver dams there, and before that I didn't know there were beavers in the area. I also saw a whiptail lizard, which I didn't know existed before I saw it, and had to look it up and match the picture I took.
There is some amazing unique stuff to be found in nature, and can never be duplicated by putting up more pavement and yet another duplication of Starbunks.
Jws and urban myths!
by Julia Orwell injws sure love urban myths.
the jws have their own collection built up over many years, part of their own unique worldwide jw culture.
i've come across the same ones in america that i've heard in australia, and they pass from legend to myth and finally reality as quoted from the platform.
There's a little problem with these urban legends, especially about intervention to protect people.
It contradicts what the Bible Teach book says in chapter 11.
15 Why, though, has Jehovah allowed suffering to go on for so long? And why does he not prevent bad things from happening? Well, consider two things that the teacher in our illustration would not do. First, he would not stop the rebel student from presenting his case. Second, the teacher would not help the rebel to make his case. Similarly, consider two things that Jehovah has determined not to do. First, he has not stopped Satan and those who side with him from trying to prove that they are right. Allowing time to pass has thus been necessary. In the thousands of years of human history, mankind has been able to try every form of self-rule, or human government. Mankind has made some advances in science and other fields, but injustice, poverty, crime, and war have grown ever worse. Human rule has now been shown to be a failure.
16 Second, Jehovah has not helped Satan to rule this world. If God were to prevent horrible crimes, for instance, would he not, in effect, be supporting the case of the rebels? Would God not be making people think that perhaps humans can govern themselves without disastrous results? If Jehovah were to act in that way, he would become party to a lie. However, βit is impossible for God to lie.ββHebrews 6:18.
When this obvious contradiction is pointed out to a JW by a study, hilarious results ensue.
I celebrated my daughters birthday for the first time...
by cognac init was so nerve racking!
it wasn't anything big, but its all she ever talks about in front of all my family!!!
i mean, she talks about it almost every single frigging day.
This is great. You might not realize it now, but your daughter's happiness is way more important than pleasing a bunch of toxic hateful relatives.
Silly TV Programs From The 1960s to the 1970s
by minimus inmcmillan & wife with rock hudson is what i just saw on tv.
watching rock hudson kiss his wife while smoking a cigarette is pretty funny.
and he solved a murder case as he lit up another cigarette at some wealthy person's party.....good stuff!.
So, my husband would not even meet the elders who just happened to drop by this morning.
by Julia Orwell inhe stayed inside and kept going about his business like they weren't even there.
i engaged them on the verandah hut politely explained that they'd caught us at a bad time as we were doing a big cleanup of the house.
the elders had even bought a pack of chocolate cookies around, so they were expecting to be invited in and offered coffee.
I thought you were your husband's beard.
Why we have Conspiracy Theorists......
by cantleave ineveryone knows a conspiracy theorist (let's face it we have a few on this board).
my attention has been to drawn to an article in the new york times, which i have pasted below.
apparently people with propensity to create conspiracy theory narratives are quite sane, even though they may have low self worth and cannot fully ascertain their place in the world.
Americans have one of the most corrupt governments this world has ever seen, that lies to them, so it is little wonder that a few of them might make an attempt to call the rulers out on some things, even if the guess is a bit misguided.
Heck, even some people in the government are conspiracy theorists.
Bill Nye was "boo'd" by zealots when he stated the truth about the moon
by fortis et liber inthis happend a few years ago, a link to the article that mentioned the incident popped up on a friends facebook page today.
apparently he refereneced genesis 1:16 (pharaphrased: god made two lights, the greater to govern the day, the lesser to govern the night) and pointed out that the moon actually reflects, rather than emitting, light.
it was at this point that he was boo'd.
Some people are not ready to step off the flat earth model of the cosmos.
Men...what do you look for in a woman?
by LouBelle inso we had the woman version.
let it rip guys - what type of woman makes you just want to get her know her better - the one that makes you take that risk and walk on over to start a conversation?.
Slack. Lots of slack.
John 3:16 - "EXERCISE faith"...??
by EdenOne inthe nwt often uses the expression "exercise", when it comes to the expression of faith.. "a notable use of that is in john 3:16 - for god loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.".
i started to be intrigued by the expression "exercise faith".
it is true that james wrote that "faith without works is dead", meaning that faith must be more than just an inner feeling or an oral statement; it must be evidenced by works.
The New World Rendering (with no translators it is unqualified to be called a translation) is based on the premise of why use one syllable when four will do? Thus 'grace' becomes 'undeserved kindness' and 'believe' gets rendered as 'exercise faith'.
Perhaps the writers thought being wordy makes them seem scholarly.