This is evidence proof that the Watchtower leaders think it's a big comical chuckle that they have gamed the average JW so completely.
JoinedPosts by kurtbethel
Troubling experience at 1 day assembly re: little jw child
by williamhconley injust had my 1day assembly this weekend.
an experience given by the bethel speaker was quite troubling and shows how jw's live in constant paranoia, anxiety and they isolate themselves from normal living.. a first grade class was having a fire drill.
everyone ( except one) lined up and stood outside away fron the classroom in the grass.
Is he any relation to Rick Fearon?
2014 DC Release (Unofficial Rumors)
by WatchTower87 inmi first prophecy:.
friday afternoon: 4:20 teach your children to love gods kingdom!
new book/brochure for children based on the articles "teach your children" (appeared in watchtower public edition).
This could be the year the Jehovahnator gets rolled out.
Jehovah's Witnesses upgrade for the 21st Century
Next time the Jehovah's Witnesses show up at your door they may have the means to get you to comply.
The Watchtower Society has just unveiled its new weapon in the War on Apostates'
The "Jehovahnator" made its debut at the organization's corporate headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.
"Coming into this last span of time before Armageddon, we need to step up our outreach to the public," said governing board member Aleister C. Russell.
"By automating our field operations we have a tremendous multiplier for our efforts to bring people in to the New System."
The Jehovahnator will do precisely that. It will perform the normal door-to-door ministry that the organization is famous for, with a modern update. It carries an "e-briefcase" that prints needed literature on demand. Through wireless connectivity, the literature is constantly updated in real time with the newest changes in doctrine.
"We will never disseminate old doctrine again," said Russell.
Idiotic Statement in Today's Public Talk
by piztjw in"some though say, 'but you need to be balanced.
you need to work, pay bills, provide for your family and so forth.
' but think about a bicycle.
All aboard the Watchtower bicycle.
Going nowhere fast
Red clouds in the Uk
by Xanthippe inwe have red clouds.
can anyone else see them, it's way after sunset?.
It's Planet X, or global warming, or chemtrails, or Nibiru or whatever other doomsday fear scenario tilts your scales.
Happy Pi Day!
by Twitch inand now for something completely nerdy,....
Well yeah, but it's also a day for steak...and other treats.
Is this the New Elders book
by Watchtower-Free inthe last release in 2010 was entitled "shepherd the flock of god'.
code named ks10 .. .
this would be the ks11.
Hot off the presses!
Caleb and the happy police officer
by LogCon inwhile out driving in the family car, caleb and his dad have some quality time together.
caleb: no, i sure won't.. dad: why caleb?
let's go a get an ice cream cone.. caleb: oh boy.
I'll tell Officer Sparlock about this.
Anyone see the "Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe in Jesus?" article?
by leaving_quietly inanyone see the "do jehovah's witnesses believe in jesus?
" article in the may 2014 wt (public edition)?
it's one of those imaginary conversations with a householder articles.
Sure they believe in Jesus.
A creepy Watchtower Jesus.
Are You Moving Ahead With Jehovahs Organization? Study WT May 2014
by KateWild inobedience is key in the paragraph below and the urgency is also emphasised with an exclaimation mark.. .
10 the earthly part of gods organization is moving ahead in many ways.
it helps us understand bible truth more and more clearly.
The only way to 'move ahead' with such a backwards organization as the Watchtower is to get out and run in the opposite direction.