OMG those are the best!
Mastadon you are hilarious!!!
Mary that one made me bust a gut!
You guys rock!
OMG those are the best!
Mastadon you are hilarious!!!
Mary that one made me bust a gut!
You guys rock!
i knew the watchtower once said christmas was okay, but i never thought i would see something like this from the presidents of the watchtower society.. http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=9622684182.
LMAO! That was great!
my mom was telling me that we have to be especially on guard during these last days because satan the devil is setting his sights upon anyone he thinks he can get.
i mentioned to my mother that jws give too much credit to the devil.
i explained satan is supposed to be a single angel gone bad.
great points!
i have been a pretty serious practical joker my whole life....some say i am stuck in adolescence (i hope she is 17).
but anyway, right before halloween i took a couple of pumpkins too close to the road at a farmers place and put them in the kingdom hall front yard....i know i should have paid for them but no one was there.
it was sunday night, and was hoping maybe no one would notice till thursday meeting, but they were gone on wednesday.
Ooompa, you had me cracking up at 6am this morning!
Hilarious ideas!
As for the one poster who thought it was disrespectful,
it's not like oopma was suggesting we poor fake blood all over the walls,
or spray paint ''Pedophiles are Protected Here'' or
''587 BCE is the REAL date, not 607 BCE!'' or''Brainwashed Idiots' all over the front of the building.
I hope you dont mind, Karl, that I took the red out of his eye...
Here is your beautiful little son, Noah..
i just recived an e-mail from an active jw friend of mine, he was replying to the utube e-mail i sent him on the molestation cover ups.
he knows the jw are shite, but he's conflicted becasue all his family is still in.
it made me sad, he's young and knows its shite but doen't know what to do.
You've got tenacity and spunk, dawg!
You're brave & couragous and I hope you keep up the freedom fighting.
Hello again sweety,
That voice of caution and warning in your head is always right.
This religion uses fear to keep it's members trapped into worship of a group of men in brooklyn, under the guise of worhipping god.
They will do anything the governing body tells them to do because of being told that they cannot find anything better.
It's exactly like a beaten wife or girlfriend being told that she will never do better, that he is the only man that can love her.
You have your whole life ahead of you. Run from this highly controlling cult-like religion and embrace your freedom.
You deserve to have a life.
I am so happy that you have decided to not study anymore...there is more wrong with this religion than there is right.
If you need god in your life, then go to many different churches and see which one suits you.
I wish you all the best on your journey...
see if you can name the movie the following quote is taken from.. "you're not my real dad are you?".
leave one for us to guess too..
see if you can name the movie the following quote is taken from.. "you're not my real dad are you?".
leave one for us to guess too..
Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand things with alloys and compositions and things with... molecular structures.
see if you can name the movie the following quote is taken from.. "you're not my real dad are you?".
leave one for us to guess too..
Character 1: What are you doing now?
Character 2: Averting our eyes, oh Lord.
Character 1: Well, don't. It's just like those miserable psalms, always so depressing.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail!