I hated that non-JW"S had that look like they knew something I didn't.
After all, I was the one with the TRUTH.
Maybe that look was pity,
i think for me,,expressions of hatred and anger only fueled my persecution complex.
pity bothered me..
I hated that non-JW"S had that look like they knew something I didn't.
After all, I was the one with the TRUTH.
Maybe that look was pity,
i remember reading hawthorne on my front proch as a young lad, the images he painted with words remeinded me of the witnesses.... not only his more popular stuff but his short stories, like "young goodman brown" and the like.
i remember one of the last passages in that story where it spoke of small graves dug silently-only the mother to witness the funeral, i think he was saying that the fornicator/adulter was hiding a pregancy rather than allow others to find out the "indescretion".
after i graduated from uga, i went to work for a firm in stoughton, mass.
Not yet, I am newly awakened and self educated. I did very much enjoy your stimulating post.
I had forgotten until recently that my brain could do all these tricky things like
think and reason on more than one opinion.
i was reading this earlier and it reminded me so much of what jws go through with the tactics that the gb have in place for the congregation elders to enforce.. .
(john 9:18-41) .
.however, the jews did not believe concerning him that he had been blind and had gained sight, until they called the parents of the man that gained sight.
That was a great post. I am so torn about whether to continue to refuse to talk to the elders now that my best friend who I confided in has busted me to the exact elder I told her I didn't want to talk to.
I do want my freedom. I just want to handle it in a way that my husband sees that I am right that
I am not allowed to disagree.
thinking back at the start of me questioning that perhaps the "friends" were not really true friends at all, were some experiences i will relate below: please share those that you have experienced.. after i had carpel tunnel surgery and was in a cast.....not one of the "friends" asked me about it?
at first i thought they wanted to be "polite" and not draw attention to the fact of the cast...but thinking more about it afterwards...it was just plain unloving and uncaring.
while i was still in the cast....the cong.
So many stories, so little time.
My husband walked out on me the day I returned from a convention. My 13 year old daughter went with him, I was told to forget about her because she didn't love Jehovah. I was not working and had a 20 year old car that ran when it wanted to. I was having serious health problems and had to find a job that wouldn't interfere with meetings. My disabled son had to be placed in a special foster home an hour and a half away because I could not even bathe him by myself. That left me with a 10 year old son that I couldn't even get anyone to study with because it was my responsibility as a parent not theirs (an elder told me this). When I finally did find someone to study with my son I had to put a stop to it because he came home crying from the browbeating he received from the brother's wife more than once.
I did receive some initial assistance from my closest friend and her husband financially. Within 3 weeks of the separation I had to move out of my rented house. No one offered any help except one sister who slipped me a little cash. It was a few weeks before school started and I didn't even have school clothes for my son. not one person offered to help me even get to the grocery store. I felt like I was a burden when I asked for rides to the meetings. Lots of excuses were made.
The help I got from the elders was being drug to the back and counseled on the fact that I missed meetings when I moved.One elder told me he felt like I was being harrassed.
No one ever offered me a ride to work except the worldly people I hardly knew. No asked if we had food to eat or offered child care for my son except the worldly people I hardly knew.
No one offered assistance to go see my disabled son who was an hour and a half away.
This is what I got from the loving brotherhood:
"You are so strong and you've had so many problems,I can't believe you haven't
fallen out of the truth. Satan really wants you."
What I can't believe is that a year later when I did leave I blamed myself
and went back for more a decade later.
with or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things.
but for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.. - steven weinberg
That was strong! Very good quote. As a side note loosie, I am intriqued by your Serta Sheep dressed as a pirate. I am connected to Serta employment wise and I know a rep who is crazy about anything to do with pirates. He would love that.
what is the wtbts exactly saying here because they don't let you make the truth your own?
besides nicknaming the religion "the truth", this is just another example of how the wtbts brainwash jws to think that the truth and the watchtower are the same thing.
i think this might be why jws, before hearing anything negative about the watchtower, already decide that it is false or they defend it.
Ninja - ROFLMAO ! Sing this one for your karaoke final just like Frank would ! OMG I can't stop laughing. Really great post.
do not put apart what god has yoked together.
therefore, what god has yoked together let no man put apart.
(b) why do the principles found in god's word really work, even when problems arise in a marriage?.
You have no idea how much I enjoy your WT study. Thanks.
our settlement visas came thru and we have booked our flights for july 16th so it's official that we are moving to scotland.
i've already got a few boxes of confort goods (stuffed animals, photo albums and dvd's) packed and are now fixing to tear each room apart and sort it by what i want to take, store or sell.
it's a bit daunting.
Simplify! Simplify! Simplify! Now where have I heard that before? Never mind.
I'm excited for you. I would love to do something like that. Good luck!
tonight i got through to the karaoke final out of 8 folks ...next week there is another 8...the prize is 500.....woo hoo........if i win...cool.....but the buzz of getting to the final is good.....any folks want to come and see the final nearby......i would love the backing.........da karaokeninja
Wicker man ?
tonight i got through to the karaoke final out of 8 folks ...next week there is another 8...the prize is 500.....woo hoo........if i win...cool.....but the buzz of getting to the final is good.....any folks want to come and see the final nearby......i would love the backing.........da karaokeninja
Maybe a little "ROXANNE" ? I, for one, would love to see this. Any chance of getting it on You Tube?
I have a close "worldly" friend that gets into the finals from time to time. My favorite song she sings is "Me and Bobbie McGee". I missed her performance of "Like a Virgin", she actually rolled around on the floor.
GOOD LUCK ! When are the finals?