I loved "The Handmaid's Tale", I think that was back in my Oprah's Book Club days. Another one I liked was "Stones From the River" which was basically about simple people in Germany not really being aware of the Nazi regimes atrocities. When some did figure out what was going on they supported it any way to maintain their own saftey and position. Sound familiar?
Hawthorne and hypocrisy
by dawg ini remember reading hawthorne on my front proch as a young lad, the images he painted with words remeinded me of the witnesses.... not only his more popular stuff but his short stories, like "young goodman brown" and the like.
i remember one of the last passages in that story where it spoke of small graves dug silently-only the mother to witness the funeral, i think he was saying that the fornicator/adulter was hiding a pregancy rather than allow others to find out the "indescretion".
after i graduated from uga, i went to work for a firm in stoughton, mass.
machiavellian a word that could have been invented for the borg leadership.
by edmond dantes ini happened to come across the word machiavellian.heard it plenty of times but never really knew what it meant.it's an adjective and sums up the jw leadership like no other word.it means as follows ; .
elaborately cunning ; scheming, unscrupulous,deceitful, shrewd, crafty,wily,foxy, tricky,perfidious,nefarious,treacherous,sneaky .. well i guess that just about covers it.unless anyone can come up with anymore.. .
Thanks for the word, I forgot about it. You are right, it is perfect. I'll jot it down to use at my JC if that is how this all plays out.If they know what it means it will really tick them off.
Terrorstorm, False Flag Operations, & Greoge Orwell's :1984
by frankiespeakin in.
Heathen - I can certainly see why you must have thought that I was saying that the rosy lens glasses made the governments look good. I never thought that, even as a child. Viet Nam horrified me on the news and I've never trusted the government since.
What I meant to say was that the FDS gave me the illusion that none of the corruption reallyaffected me because my deliverance was near. I would merely watch Armegeddon from the sidelines and wait for the clean up to begin.
And of course anyone with a good heart would be drawn to Jehovah and saved.
My head is still reeling from the shock that it is all just a lie.
I'm still sorting things out... it was easy to block the wickedness of this world out
when I thought paradise was going to take it's place.
I'm still looking for the truth. False hope was never my goal.
Terrorstorm, False Flag Operations, & Greoge Orwell's :1984
by frankiespeakin in.
I'm only 20 minutes into this and I've got to take a break.
Scary stuff.
I finally made myself watch Farenheit 9/11 a few weeks ago.
I miss those rose colored glasses the FDS gave me.
Something I noticed in the famous "1975" Watchtower article...
by B_Deserter ini decided to read for myself the articles my father and mother were reading during this interesting time in witness history.
i stumbled upon the following paragraph that scared the bejeezus out of me: .
"one thing is absolutely certain, bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of mans existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation!
Good lookin' out, I'd call that hidden treasure.
Hawthorne and hypocrisy
by dawg ini remember reading hawthorne on my front proch as a young lad, the images he painted with words remeinded me of the witnesses.... not only his more popular stuff but his short stories, like "young goodman brown" and the like.
i remember one of the last passages in that story where it spoke of small graves dug silently-only the mother to witness the funeral, i think he was saying that the fornicator/adulter was hiding a pregancy rather than allow others to find out the "indescretion".
after i graduated from uga, i went to work for a firm in stoughton, mass.
Thanks Dawg but I can't take credit ( how do you spell plaguerism?). I think someone posted that on the "secret handshake" thread.
Additional congregation responsibilites
by B_Deserter inover the years i've noticed that in almost every kingdom hall, someone (or multiple people) fill the following congregation roles.
i'll post a few i came up with, and i invite you to post your own as well as amusing anecdotes about them.
sister "opening night at the opera" this sister can be any age and have any level of skill, from zero to she-could-be-a-professional.
Purps ! Do you know my MIL ? LOL
Hawthorne and hypocrisy
by dawg ini remember reading hawthorne on my front proch as a young lad, the images he painted with words remeinded me of the witnesses.... not only his more popular stuff but his short stories, like "young goodman brown" and the like.
i remember one of the last passages in that story where it spoke of small graves dug silently-only the mother to witness the funeral, i think he was saying that the fornicator/adulter was hiding a pregancy rather than allow others to find out the "indescretion".
after i graduated from uga, i went to work for a firm in stoughton, mass.
Yeah - I thought the idea of wearing the red A for apostate was a good one.
Why do people always blame others ?
by JH inmy mom moved to a brand new building and i wanted to make doubles of her keys of her apartment, so i cross the street where they do that, and brought them 2 different keys to make doubles.
the first key went fine and could open that door, but the other key didn't open the door, so i went back and they tried again, so i went to moms apartment and it still didnt work, so i went back and they made an other one, and i went back to moms apartment and it still didnt work.....in all they tried 4 times and they weren't able, so i went to the cash to get my money back for the key that they werent able to make a double of....so the girl at the cash said, maybe you should get a new door lock, so i told her that it was a brand new building and a brand new door knob, so it was their fault not ours.
all that time i had a smile on my face when i want back and back and back, but when the girl at the cash said that i should try changing my door knob, then i realized how people just can't admit that they weren't able to do the job properly or they didn,t have the right key to start with to make a double.
I have no trouble taking the blame when it is my fault. (patting self on back). I think it's pride and stupidity that makes it such a big deal to some(a lot) of people.
Last night I stopped at McD's for a burger and fries. When I finally got my order (with no acknowledgement of my long wait) Ilooked in the bag. NOT only was the bag of fries half full but they were cold as well.
" I waited 15 minutes and you gave me cold fries?"
"There are more in the fryer." as she walked away.
When she came back a few minutes later she handed me the bag without a word.
I wanted to say "You have a manager shirt on, you should be ashamed of yourself on several counts."
But I just drove off knowing it would have been a waste of time. Besides, my hamburger was already getting cold. I should have had pizza.
Feeling Special
by sweet pea intoday in the uk is father's day.
i bought a card for besty from our two little baby boys.
my two year old gave it to besty this morning.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I helped my grandson get a gift ready for his dad and it made me feel great to see him enjoying it so much. **SIGH** We have indeed lost a lot of "normalcy".
But moving forward....