Exactly the point I have made to my husband and my best friend. Moses was frustrated and at the end of his rope.
Yet Jehovah still held him accountable and he was not allowed to go into the promised land.
In the Watchtower from April 1,2007 (notably April Fool's Day) I read the study article beginning on page 21
entitled "Loyal to Christ and His Faithful Slave."
By the time I got to par 16 I was already sick.
Then all of those previous misgivings came flooding in and I got my own new light.
" The other sheep recognize that they have been greatly benefited from the diligent efforts of the faithful slave in supplying them with timely spiritual food.They humbly acknowledge that were it not for the faithful and discreet slave they would know little or nothing of precious Bible truths such as Jehovah's sovereignty ...Out of sheer gratitude and loyalty, the other sheep lovingly support Christ's annointed 'brothers' on the earth during this time of the end.-Matthew 25:40"
I immediately thought of that story of Moses and the scripture that says "even the stones would cry out" if there was no one to preach.
Presumptuous egomaniacs.
I haven't been back to the hall since.