That Evil Disco??

by WTWizard 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    Back in October 1983, there was a Craptower study article that effectively banned disco, rock, and funk music. It also spelled the end of those rollerskating parties that the congregations used to organize. Now, I can see their reasoning behind the rock (backmasking satanic messages) and funk (dirty), even though it is very specious.

    However, the "evil disco" strikes me as weird. The reasoning they gave is that it was supposed to induce fornication. That was why it was supposedly evil. Now, if disco is supposed to lead to fornication, how come I have something like 600 disco songs (there were around 5,700 of them released) with 279 of them active in my computer, and I have never had it lead me to fornication? Besides, I have many 12" single versions, some of which run more than 9 minutes, which is supposed to greatly amplify the risk.

    And that doesn't include the disco-like songs that they lumped with disco but are more funk, soul, or rock. I have some 600 true disco songs, plus much funk and R&B that sounds a lot like disco and is often played along disco. Plus, I have quite a few house and dance songs from the 1980s and pre-disco R&B dance songs from the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Watchtower Society, being the "experts" they claim to be on disco, would lump those as disco. With all that on my active playlist, and it did not lead to fornication, I have conclusively and decisively busted that myth.

  • Gopher

    If they waited until 1983 to outlaw listening to disco music, they sure missed the boat. Disco was already passe in 1980 (at least in the United States). I remember going to JW dance parties in 1978 where disco was the main music played, because it was popular then. I think the Awake magazine may have warned of disco around 1978 or 1979, because I seem to remember that it was still popular but the JW disco parties stopped.

    But of course almost every new form of music is dangerous to mind-controlling leaders like the Watchtower Society. If the WTS had been around in the early nineteenth century, they would have warned of the dangers of the waltz. Imagine, this new trend -- taking a woman into your arms and twirling her around the flloor. Scandalous. It could lead to fornication !!!

  • WTWizard

    It's true that they missed the boat in the states in 1983. By then, disco became a swear word within the music industry: label a song "disco", and sell zero copies. It was "dance" or "house" music, which explains why some think the disco era continued into the mid 1980s. Most of the 1983-87 "disco" is actually house or dance music.

    However, disco persisted well into the 1980s in Europe. They never got the backlash like they did in the states, and people continued to enjoy disco in Europe almost into the 1990s when the techno and rap took the ball. And even today, there are places in the world where disco is still popular.

    And it is not going to lead to fornication (if it would lead there, I would have already been there). I have some 600 disco songs (true disco, not house and soul/funk that many pass along as disco). Among those are some hard core disco songs that never charted as pop. Madleen Kane, Lime, and Gino Soccio are among those I have songs from, whom you will not recognize unless you were into hard-core disco. Oh yes, did I mention I also have songs from The Trammps, John Davis and his Monster Orchestra, and Peter Brown, who are also disco stars? About 75% of all the top-3 dance/disco hits from the disco era are in my collection. And it never led to fornication. So, Watchtower, get yourselves educated on disco music and stop slandering this harmless music!

  • mrsjones5

    Oh yeah, anything that makes you shake your bootay on the dance floor has gots to be dangerous

    Josie ~ always up to a rump shakin good time

  • WTWizard
    Oh yeah, anything that makes you shake your bootay on the dance floor has gots to be dangerous

    And that's mainstream disco! KC and the Sunshine Band were top pop performers as well as top disco artists. And I have those songs, many of them as long versions. Donna Summer, too. Just imagine what they would say about those disco hits that didn't make the pop charts!

  • Warlock

    Yeah, and Mozart's music was bad in HIS day!

    The only thing that changes are the players.


  • eclipse

    You know if they could, they would ban all music except for kingdumb melodies barf.

    But they are smart enough not to do that, since the witnoids would wake up and realize that they are all in a high control group/cult.

    The reason they ban any fun music, is because it makes you happy!

    It sets your mind free, you get lost in the music and the rythym and let your body move to beat...

    Not good because this disrupts the cognitive dissonance flow that is constantly within the JW brain.

    that is why there is a constant barrage of WT information, a constant stream of guilt and instructions...thru the meetings and personal study,

    keeping the JW in a zombie-like, non-thinking stupur, unaware of the innocent good things out there, in the ''world''..

    They are right, too much fun, takes JW's away from the org...


    I am going to a community festval on the 4th of July.

    Theme is " Stars, Stripes and Disco ".

    K .C. and the Sunshine Band and the Village People and then the best fireworks around.

    I may even stand for the National Anthem if my OWN conscience allows it.

  • Junction-Guy

    That's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh-huh uh-huh

    Wow this takes me back to my childhood.

  • GentlyFeral

    Well, I was perfectly willing to give up disco, but only because the sound irritates me all to hell.

    But back in the day, I also bought into all that crap. I actually believed that music could force you to "commit evil."

    Yeah, I can see how it could lead to fornication ... "I'll do ALL you Village People any way you want if you'll just shut up!" ;)

    gently ("if you can't send me a woman, send me a sissy man") feral
    (Usual disclaimers apply.)

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