Back in October 1983, there was a Craptower study article that effectively banned disco, rock, and funk music. It also spelled the end of those rollerskating parties that the congregations used to organize. Now, I can see their reasoning behind the rock (backmasking satanic messages) and funk (dirty), even though it is very specious.
However, the "evil disco" strikes me as weird. The reasoning they gave is that it was supposed to induce fornication. That was why it was supposedly evil. Now, if disco is supposed to lead to fornication, how come I have something like 600 disco songs (there were around 5,700 of them released) with 279 of them active in my computer, and I have never had it lead me to fornication? Besides, I have many 12" single versions, some of which run more than 9 minutes, which is supposed to greatly amplify the risk.
And that doesn't include the disco-like songs that they lumped with disco but are more funk, soul, or rock. I have some 600 true disco songs, plus much funk and R&B that sounds a lot like disco and is often played along disco. Plus, I have quite a few house and dance songs from the 1980s and pre-disco R&B dance songs from the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Watchtower Society, being the "experts" they claim to be on disco, would lump those as disco. With all that on my active playlist, and it did not lead to fornication, I have conclusively and decisively busted that myth.