I agree, very nice.
I've got bongos and a beret. Maybe we could hook up as an act at the local coffee shop.
lonesome winds whisper through the dark valley surrounding the highway that is my soul.
i carry a lantern burning from the precarious end of a wick that is shortened with every breath i steal from the hollow vast dampness that wafts through my memories like so many lost thoughts.
somehow i find the courage to continue, for continuing is the only way through the darkness.
I agree, very nice.
I've got bongos and a beret. Maybe we could hook up as an act at the local coffee shop.
sometimes when someone new comes on the board and makes a big splash, you wonder if it's all for real.. rollerdave arrived on this board in the last couple months and has lit it up with his insight and wit, including recent experiences dealing with his old family and congregation.. after i pm'd dave here i learned he was indeed the same dave i knew back in a north-side minneapolis kingdom hall oh so many years ago.
we talked on the phone last weekend and actually got together for the first time last night.
as i expected he is just as genuine and witty and fun as he shows on this discussion board.
Sounds like great fun !
i was camping this weekend with some friends and around the camp fire the subject came up, "what is something weird you like to eat?
" i thought it was a fun subject and we all had some laughs over our odd appetites.. some of mine .... i love bologna with american cheese and miracle whip (the only thing i will use miracle whip with).
i love the taste of straight pickle juice or hot pepper juice.
I like ginger snaps with strawberry cream cheese, especially good with ginger ale.
My granddaughter puts potato chips on a plate, sprinkles on shredded cheddar cheese and heats a little in the microwave. Then she dribbles a little pickle juice on it. Sounds gross but actually quite good.
when i was with the jws i met a woman named kathy and we became friends.
kathy was going through a lot of struggles i didn't understand.
she had been married twice (her first husband died) and married a second time.
First of all, WELCOME.
Trust me you are better off smoking than getting any more involved with this religion.
Run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.
Read the personal stories here, then judge for yourself.
I love Ozzy. Both of these videos were great, the winter woods with the orchestra was beautiful.
Thanks for sharing.
this e mail has probably been posted before but i just thought i would pass it along again.. it is obviously tongue in cheek but still i know many dubs do feel this way.... .
a new way to handle those pesky little "conversation stoppers".
they preach to people.
Yeah, I think most feel that way.
Get this - my congregation had a get together (pot luck to normal people) and a few of the brothers acted that out as a skit. I was a little shocked. Imagine how shocked I was when I found what you posted actually came from the evil internet and had been used by the brothers. LOL
when this first made the email rounds a few years ago, there was an announcement in the "kingdom ministry" that jw's shouldn't be listening to "unauthorized" versions of the kingdom melodies and should not forward these files on to other witnesses.
it was bad enough when they kept after you to get rid of all your cds.
first, it was the really bad stuff like rap and heavy metal.
225 songs
1 position for sex
Yeah, sounds about right.
this has possibly been posted before (i hadn't seen it) - i found it a fascinating read - well done alanf for fronting it up..... it can also be found online at http://www.reexamine.org/wtobserver/apps/pbcs.dll/article86c8.html?aid=/20040309/history/204007.
interview with a watchtower society author on wednesday, 27 august 1997, i met with harry peloyan for about 1 1/2 hours in the lobby of the 25 columbia heights bethel office in brooklyn, new york.
my purpose was to discuss problems with the creation book with him, since he is its main author.
timetochange - I don't mean any disrespect but I am a little puzzled by your response to Alan. It didn't seem like you had even
read his reply because you asked the same things that he had already answered.
Alan - Here, here!
the following is a post from awake&watching about a video i posted on youtube.. .
awake&watching .
title i'm laughing so hard i'm crying... .
I am just glad that I didn't find the version that the elder had shown me.
Then I might have escaped the evil clutches of you crazy apostates.
I would have had to sit at the convention all day today and the next two.
Think of all the gossip I am missing.Wait a minute, I am the gossip.
some of you know that i had an attempted home invasion back in may that i ran off with my trusty scatter-gun.. what i never bothered to mention is that before that, we had a suspicious red honda suv trolling past our driveway several times a day for a week or so before that.. then the attack.. then we had a watcher down in the cul de sack in front of our place whom we photographed and videotaped as she sat watching our home then trolled past our drive peering up at the house.. then the red suv followed my daughter home.. just lately, my proximity alarms went off and i rushed out to see someone running off our property to a late-model red camaro or trans-am and tearing off.
all i could see was the feet and bottom of the vehicle.. now, today, there is a large, suspicious eurovan parked across the entrance of our driveway for like, thirty minutes with a woman matching the description of the watcher in it.. as soon as a young man who lives here gets into his car to drive off, it tears out of here and can't be found.. we have attracted someones interest.. whoever they are, they are incredibly stupid to be so open about it, to give me any indication my daughter is at risk, to think the only eyes watching them are the ones they can see.. to think i am too dumb or stingy to afford night-vision surveillance, or that i would even hesitate to slaughter them like a pig if they threaten my loved ones.. i doubt my watchers are jwd or even jw related, the watcher has been seen to be smoking.
i wondered if it might be related to the ugliness with my mother's poa, but that has concluded and still i am watched.. there was a bit of ugliness surrounding my niece matilda and how they demolished her mom, catlady.
You are correct, it is not me who is stalking you.
This is pretty scary stuff. Sounds like you are on top of it but please be careful and keep us posted. Is there always someone home? OOps, don't answer that. I would be afraid to come home and someone be there.