JoinedPosts by everyplanetwereachisdead
Do You Carry Anything Of Sentimental Value From Your Witness Days?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #cc0099; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #cc0099; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } --> do you carry anything of sentimental value from your witness days?
it is fair to say that many of us on this board rid ourselves of the watchtower societys.
propaganda publications.
Who owns the Society?
by return visitor ini know that the wt bible & tract society is a corporation with a board of directors, but who actually owns the corp.?
The Illuminati own everything. The WTS is just anothing peice of the New World Order puzzle.
Im not sure what version it is. I got it from a best western.
Did Being One Of Jehovahs Witnesses Kill Your Drive?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #000066; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #ff0000} .style5 {color: #000066} --> did being one of jehovahs witnesses kill your drive?
it is understandable how someone who has been a jehovahs witness .
for a number of years could become complacent and except their lot in life.
Id say yes. Being told no all the time killed alot of my drive. I got used to not living. I got tried of struggling for every bit of freedom. It definitaly killed my drive. I dont even know what to do with myself anymore.
What should people know about JW?
by Mrs Smith ini have been asked to talk to a group of people about jw.
what would you say is the most important thing non-jw need to know about the wbts.
this is what i have in mind, please feel free to comment.. 1) jw history.
I agree with DJK. Childern have no choice how they are raised, and being raised a JW can cause scars for life. Parents join and have no idea, next thing you know that are so gung ho that they drag their kids down with them. The silent lamb stuff is awful, but you dont have to be beaten or molested to suffer as a child. To live with their impossible standards. To have crazy rules enforced on you. Im talking about a lack of social development. Im talking about depression. Being raised in isolation can cause so many problems.
but who cares if the world is going to end, right? ...
new here
by everyplanetwereachisdead inim new here.
i was raised as a jw by my mom.
my dad never accepted the religion.
Sorry to hear about your childhood social life. I hope it's improved. I suffered a similar fate, but it wasn't because of the Witnesses. My mom is a narcicisst. It was drilled in to us from when we were small that we were "different" than other children, "better", because she was a diligent mother who fed us fish oil for our brains.
sounds like my mom. Not the fish oil part. I accually take fish oil myself as an adult, but i understand what you are saying. My mom was the biggest control freak and controlled my whole life, mainly out of guilt. I think that is typical for witnesses but I wouldnt call her 'typical' and I still wouldnt. I could go off on a tryraid, but i wont.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. This board does move fast.
new here
by everyplanetwereachisdead inim new here.
i was raised as a jw by my mom.
my dad never accepted the religion.
Sorry to hear about your childhood social life. I hope it's improved. I suffered a similar fate, but it wasn't because of the Witnesses. My mom is a narcicisst. It was drilled in to us from when we were small that we were "different" than other children, "better", because she was a diligent mother who fed us fish oil for our brains.
sounds like my mom. Not the fish oil part. I accually take fish oil myself as an adult, but i understand what you are saying. My mom was the biggest control freak and controlled my whole life, mainly out of guilt. I think that is typical for witnesses but I wouldnt call her 'typical' and I still wouldnt. I could go off on a tryraid, but i wont.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. This board does move fast.
new here
by everyplanetwereachisdead inim new here.
i was raised as a jw by my mom.
my dad never accepted the religion.
Im new here. I was raised as a JW by my mom. My dad never accepted the religion. Neither did I. Like many others I was still forced to goto meeting and had all of my social life taken. I was never baptised or accepted by the other witnesses. My life was ruled by guilt. Typical stuff. Anyway, just saying "hi" and alittle about me.