Your posts are full of red herrings (e.g., the United States Investment Company - what does it have to do with the propriety of these trust arrangements? I know of the later transfer - but what has it do with the pastors on the board of trustees?)
Let's ignore the red herrings.
So in your ludicrous and ridiculous scenario, four clergymen of good standing:
(1) each contrived to get invited by or on behalf of Russell, their enemy, to stand as a trustee to protect and facilitate one of his shells (how could they have managed this?); and
(2) pretended not to know Russell was behind the setup (why would they pretend?); and
(3) even though this would lead to censure and ridicule for them (to what end? They were the ones made a fool of, not Russell, whose reputation as cunning and devious was well established already); and
(4) then lie and perhaps even commit perjury that they did not know this, when it all unraveled during the alimony proceedings (rendering them liable to an action for libel, as they complained further to the Eagle's reporter); and
(5) do this when a single testimony from Russell or any of his associates / friends that they were lying, with circumstantial evidence to show they must surely have known; would have been highly embarassing to them; and
(6) all four of them, united - if even one deviated from the story, the others were accepting the risk of irreparable damage to their reputations as honest clergymen. They had nothing to gain (Russell was a known sharp financial player - except to you, perhaps) and much to lose; and
(7) somehow these naive clergymen knew it would, many years later, all unravel in alimony court (how?)
Utterly absurd, from start to finish a nonsensical attempt to contrive an explanation for somehing I've explained with a single phrase - they "dealt" via a POWER OF ATTORNEY. They were perhaps a little naive but were telling the truth.
But then, the same lack of reasoning power and ability to weigh up facts and reach conclusions trapped you in the dub-dub-moronland to begin with, didn't it, Old Goat?
And then, even though you now know full well that you are wrong, persisting with your profound misconduct, twisting, misrepresenting, failing to address substantive issues, misdirection, creating strawmen, demanding unreasonable standards of evidence for something 100+ years old (where YOU, not I, are making the hard-to-believe claims, and you provide no proof)...
... seen it all before...
No doubt you made a despicable Elder, Old Goat.
Not that I need any trumpcard - all the above have removed any reasonable doubt - but just for the heck of it:
Furthermore, why didn't Russell use those arguments that you employ today, eh?
... in order to discredit the clergymen as liars, which he'd have loved to do. But, he did not. He kept quiet, both in and out of court. No letter to the press, no libel threat, nothing at all - just silence (and private laughter at how he'd tricked the four clergymen). He knew the clergymen could easily explain how they'd been tricked (and to some extent, they did).
If you aren't clever enough to see how ridiculous you are being, Old Goat, well, .... WHACK! (a recreational one, just to keep my foot in).
And this is to defend the reputation of a filthy, disgusting scoundrel - shame on you, shame, shame, shame, shame.
("Rational" Class)