I wonder if she can join the Christian Cheerleaders of America? Just for the library card, of course.
When you hear the word "cheerleaders," you don't immediately think "pious servants of Our Lord in Heaven Jesus Christ who Died on The Cross for Our Heinous Sins and Blah Blah Blah." To be honest, if you're anything like me, you think something more along the lines of "Oh, that seeming race of loose bimbos with the brain capacity of squirrel feces. I hate them!!"But at least one organization is attempting to alter our opinion on this disputatious issue. They are the Christian Cheerleaders of America, a non-profit group based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. However, the Christian Cheerleaders aren't limited to the Southern "Bible Belt." No, the CCA is active in over 33 states, which - as you may have noticed - is absolutely horrifying.
Many other such facts can be ascertained from the Christian Cheerleaders of America press release, which spends quite a bit of space explaining just what the CCA stands for. A few brief excerpts:
"To teach 'state of the art' cheerleading techniques, material and methods while maintaining Christian standards. Being 'contemporary without compromise.'"
"To recognize cheerleaders as the athletes they are, and the coaches who train them as such"
"Christian cheerleaders are skilled athletes and should never take a back seat to anyone else in their excellence, 'for ye serve the Lord Christ.'"
If you're not quite dumbfounded yet, don't worry, because the Christian Cheerleaders of America press release only gets more rambling and incoherent. Additional passages:
"We believe in the verbal inspiration and authority of the Scriptures, the 100% inerrancy; that the Bible reveals God, the fall of man, the way of salvation and God's plan and purpose for the ages"
"We believe that men are justified by faith alone and are made righteous before God only through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, through His shed blood as the propitiation for our sin. . . . Justification is an eternal relationship and can never be broken"
"As with everything in the Christian life, GOD'S WORD AND THE LEADERSHIP OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT are the guiding principles we live by. CHEERLEADING IS NO EXCEPTION."
To further elaborate on these unintelligible rants, this reporter conducted a phone interview with Rose Clevenger, actual President of the Christian Cheerleaders of America. Rose spoke from her office in North Carolina, and I from my bedroom, wearing nothing but a colorful pair of boxer shorts. I have no idea whether or not Rose was also wearing a colorful pair of boxer shorts, but my guess would have to be an emphatic "Yes!"