1/ why do you keep Jw's separate from the rest of christianity? when I judge which christian faith I believe in because they are so diverse now I believe you have to use the same bible standard for all but I get the impression you will accept in others what you won't accept in JW's?
If you use the same standard Reniaa, JW's are just as wanting as any other religion. None are perfect...the difference is that I can't think of any other mainstream Christian denomination that demonizes members that leave their ranks. I have never heard a pastor claim to be God's sole channel.
2/ which leads me to this question all church leaders consider they have been given the right to lead and the direction their faith goes from the lowliest faith where the local shaman decides the direction of the tribe to the biggest Religions in all the world, their leaders all claim special direction to lead and people either agree or disagree, the Jws are no different. Even non-religious orgs claim special knowledge usually by ....being voted in, conquest, royal hereditory, Power, Money, learning or experience, they make the decisions for the whole group.
Again, what mainstream church claims special direction or absolute loyalty of members?
If someone goes to prison for a certain drug aka marijuana usage in some countries it's legal in others it isn't, by what right do the governments or judges have to decide what is legal or not?
this is the biggest thing I cannot understand with the viewpoint of ex-witnesses they argue that somehow gb are not allowed to rule but accept it in every other aspects of their life's? If you brake the rules at work then you will lose your job would you feel hard done by if you are sacked for doing a sackable offence by your work's standard even if you consider it silly? but you knew before you went into the job it was a sackable offence?
Even prisoner's families are not required to shun the prisoner...they still have visiting rights!
3/ When Jesus comes to Judge the bible is very clear he will be judging the conditions of mens hearts towards God and the bible is also very clear what it considers wrongdoings aka fornication, homosexuality, adultery, idolatry, blood, stealing, lying, murdering.
My church condemns all of the above except blood transfusion...and I don't see in the Bible where it is condemned. (and please don't use the prohibition against eating blood as an argument...transfusions have no nutritional benefit)
If you no longer believe in Jw's does it mean you can do these things as long as you believe in Jesus?
Who has argued that? No church teaches you can just claim to beieve in Jesus and do whatever you want.
4/ Witnesses are not perfect, niether are the gb they have made mistakes in the past and continue to do so but does imperfection make a religion or org invalid?
No, but JW's claim to be spirit directed from Jehovah...does he make mistakes?...is he imperfect??
5/ What do you want in a religion you feel is blessed by God's holy spirit, what would be it's fruitage? did any of the bible's God-chosen religions show this fruitage other than Jesus himself?
How about reflecting Jesus' attributes...and to be identified by the love they show. Was Jesus legalistic in dealing with people?...
6/ if an evolutionist makes a new discovery like recently dinosaurs were found in the belly of mammals larger than rats obviously having been eaten so changing an established evolutionary belief for 100's of years that always had mammals at a basic developmental stage to dinosaurs, why do you accept this flip-flop if you are an atheist?
If an evolutionist claimed to be God's channel and directed by God, I wouldn't...if he is just a man giving his interpretation, I could accept his changing his statements.
Reniaa, we could go back and forth endlessly, but the bottom line is as long as there are claims of divine appointment and continuing direction by God, that claimant will be held to a higher standard.